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What 4th Generation War Teaches Us About the Ideal State


Thanks to Vox, I have been reading John Lind’s writings on 3rd and 4th generation war.

Man is a killer ape, his evolution spurred by tribal war long after the megafauna went extinct. Better at war is not necessarily better, and this evolutionary impetus explains the sapiens mess. Nevertheless, since war is the acme of man, war strategy is the acme of strategy. All life is war, because the last remaining constraint is human. And man finds fulfillment of his nature in it, because that is what we evolved to be. Thus Lind’s writings are far more valuable than their narrow military topic would suggest.

Of course, war in the original sense is 4GW in the modern sense. Otherwise the above paragraph makes no sense.

Combining Lind’s 4GW theory with Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men, we discover a new facet of the disaster of modernity:

The rifled firearm necessitated the Peace of Westphalia and the monopolization of violence by the state in the Christian West. This completed the disarming and emasculation of the male gang that began with the agricultural revolution. With men emasculated, the success of feminism in destroying the West was guaranteed.

The entire post-agricultural history of humanity can be seen as a weakening and corrupting of the male imperative, leading to its eventual conquest by the feminine imperative. As this cycle nears completion, the remnant must synthesize a solution to this megatrend.

In the first stage, the tribal gang is dispersed into farm plots and eventually cities, losing cohesion. This facilitates the rise of conquering tyrants who exercise anthropologically unprecedented levels of both numerical and geographical scale and de-facto absolutism.

In stage two, the rifled firearm empowers the citizen soldier, replacing the tyrranies and oligarchies with populist movements ruled by mass religion. These popular theocracies are extremely vulnerable to leftist holier-than-thou singularity, increasing the thrust behind the feminine imperative.

A state is necessary to win at modern war. The question becomes, is it possible to have a state which does not monopolize violence? Must we choose between emasculating the tribal gang and emasculating the state?

To restore individual virility, legalization of dueling, the right to bear arms, and patriarchal family authority are minimums. Thus to restore tribal virility, the rights to territorial sovereignty and private war must be restored. In fact, since every man’s home is his castle, the solution to this historical megatrend must be truly federal sovereignty, nested all the way down to the individual level.

I suggest a Dunbar-limited base numbering system for determining the maximum assembly size for any level of nesting. Perhaps 13 is the right number, the same as Jesus’ tribe, the most successful movement in history. Maybe 10 is easier; I don’t know.

All this fits with the theory of ideal state I’ve been elaborating – the blood and gold houses, etc. I just hadn’t realized it had to be gangs all the way down. Limited internicine war during periods of low external threat can provide the necessary churn to achieve the anthropologically correct high-pressure k-selected environment, measured by a 40-60% male casualty / incel rate.

Plus, admit it, you want to be able to shout “Inglewoood” like a nigger.

As statelessness rises, there will be opportunities for Red Pill Pilgrims to found this brave new world. Lower case, because the Brave New World holds nothing but cowards.

Just remember, that two solutions to problems measured in millenia that you heard here first:
1. Federal gangism + blood and gold house formalist/RedPill solution
2. Neanderthal revival via MT war

My proof of the supernatural is somewhat smaller in timescale, being measured in centuries, but it is in service of a higher strategic level.

The Iron Coin as Currency


Sparta is the only state to beat Glubb’s cycle of history lifespan limit on empire. The Spartans avoided corruption by various Draconian (Lycurgan, really) measures, including the use of iron for currency. While this is not feasible in a modern economy, the idea is adaptable.

My system calls for two representative political bodies, the house of blood and the house of gold. But perhaps the name of the former should be changed to the house of iron.

(While we’re picking names, perhaps this state model should be named Cyber-Spartanism. Neo-Spartanism is taken, and the Cyber prefix honors Mother Internet, who has given birth to the panoply of ideas that is the Red Pill.)

I have also called for a return to the anthropological 40-60% male pre-breeding casualty/incel rate. The symbol of the iron coin offers a mechanism for enforcing this requirement.

The two fundamental units of this state model are the blooded patriarch and the sovereign 12-man gang. In war, men will die for fellow platoon mates, but that willingness falls off rapidly for the larger organizational units. Thus the 12 man sovereign gang must be willing to die for each other.

I propose that each man in the gang be given a blank iron coin. Each writes in his will to which of his gang mates the coin should go. (For redundancy, this should be a list ordered by priority.) Whenever a man dies before producing a male heir, his coin is engraved with his name, face and ID number. It is then bequeathed to the first surviving man on the list.

That receiving man becomes a blooded patriarch, and has rights to marry and breed. If he is already blooded, the coin goes to the next man on the list.

Illegitimate children, i.e. those not sired by the blooded, are exiled immediately upon detection, to preserve gene pool K-selection. For similar reasons, slavery or any form of second class citizenship is not permitted. Those who would fall into this category are instead exiled.

Unblooded men remains wards of their patriarch or nearest patriarch relation, and have no independent legal existence.

Iron coins are not fungible between individuals or gangs. One brother must lay down his life so that another may live. Those bloodlines that produce self-sacrificing heroes will thus be prized and multiplied.

Human corruption seems universal and overwhelming at any organization unit larger than 12 or less permanent than a lifetime. So we keep it there.

In times of war, the necessary blood can be shed in national service. In times of peace, in internecine gang duels, at varying organizational scales. These internal duels guarantee that the state’s military remains martial rather than bureaucratic, and 3rd generation warfare capable rather than ossified. The Spartans warned never to fight too long against the same enemy – the exception being oneself.

The Spartans failed due to institutional drift, women’s lib, slave-generated luxury, and economic incompetence. It is possible to resurrect the model and add to it the patriarchal Abrahamic birthrates that powered the pre-Mosaic Egyptian explosion, the Roman separation of powers that permitted expansion, and the English property rights that permitted capitalism.

Can you imagine how quickly an eugenic Christian state on built on this model would conquer this sloppily-run planet? The only limiting factor is the compounding interest of population growth. The prospect makes me toothy.

No one gets a break, no one gets a pass – unless it comes from one of the other 11 men in his gang, via the ultimate selfless sacrifice. Corrupt that.

Every now and then, someone will try, of course. And he’ll be caught and fragged. Such is the beauty of a small tribe.

So far, it has been lack of imagination that has permitted the state megascale system to flourish. Now we will see if it is also lack of will.

Pothead Philosophy: How to Prove that Ghosts Exist!



The near-unanimous rejection of my Iron Coin Neo-Sparta state proposal is unsurprising and to some extent a source of pride at the rhetorical level, but disappointing at the dialectical level. The theory proceeds in a logically necessary chain. Why don’t you tell me with which step you disagree?

1. We should design a state that can succeed (golden age of empire) without devolving into putrescent decay (decadent/decline phase). (John Glubb)
1a. The Spartan state is the only exception to Glubb’s 250-300 year limit, and thus correct the starting point.

2. The root cause of the Glubb cycle is that man is a combination of r and K-selected genes. These genes propogate according to selective pressure and express according to environmental triggers. If we stylize the insidious Alien as the empire-bursting r-parasite, and Predators as the archetype of K-selected virtue, then humanity is a hybrid of both. (Anonymous Conservative, Moldbug, Jim, et al)

3. The anthropological male genetic failure rate is 40% casualties, 60% no children.
3a. This rate existed due to two causes: low technology versus environmental selective pressure, and endemic tribal warfare between male gangs.
3b. Hyper-wealth generated by modern high-IQ capitalist society eviscerates environmental selective pressure.
3c. Modern warfare has no appreciable eugenic effect, and is probably heavily dysgenic, and results in far less selective pressure than the anthropological norm.
3d. Most selective pressure since the dawn of agriculture has been for ability to eat agricultural foods, not K-selection.
3e. The modern trend is probably strongly dysgenic.

4. The sovereign male gang is the fundamental patriarchal unit of government under which both chimpanzees and humans are designed to operate. (Jack Donovan, et al)
4a. 12 is a good numeric size for this gang.
4b. Human institutional corruption increases geometrically as scale rises above 12 or permanency falls below lifelong.

5. Formalism works because it institutionalizes what already exists. In bandits, stationary > mobile.

6. A successful modern state requires patriarchy (population, investment in offspring), capitalism (wealth), a high IQ population (wealth), and K-selection (cohesion).

I believe that’s enough givens.

The Spartans outlasted the Glubb limit by brutalizing their men (K-selection) and using iron as currency (avoid wealth, thus avoid decadence). A modern military requires a wealthy capitalist economy, thus iron as currency is no longer viable. Brutalizing men still works.

The Spartans failed due to population collapse, backdoor feminism, and institutional drift.

Of the above, the most difficult problem is: how to institutionalize the brutalization of men at sufficient levels to cauterize the corrupting effects of modern wealth?

Thanks to their failure to solve the population problem and inability to scale their institutions, the Spartans preserved a military facsimile of the K-selective environment. They had the best soldiers, but they never had enough soldiers, so they never conquered Greece the way they conquered the helots. They remained an embattled city-state.

In designing our state, we may not assume that there will always be someone else to fight. America after WWII had effectively no rivals. Nor do we wish to necessitate disastrous military overextensions.

Thus, we may restate the problem: how may the basic unit of sovereignty remain embattled while the federated sovereignty enjoys a golden age of empire?

Hume was wrong. The state of nature is not man against man. It is male tribal gang against gang. Thus formalism suggests that we formalize the state of nature, by incorporating the civilized tribal duel into the foundation of our state. The super-tribe acts as “second”; date, place and weapons are set to minimize collateral damage; and the duel takes place, with territorial sovereignty the prize. Limited combat is the essence of K chivalry.

Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of the plan:
1. Regular real combat is the requirement for maintaining a 3rd generation warfare culture, which is the acme of war. The artificial constraints of a gang duel do not eliminate this value, unless they become extreme. Over-stylization is unlikely, since incompetent tribes face threat of conquest. Remember that just as tribes of 12v12 may duel, so 144v144, etc. At the top level, it is not a duel, it is simply war with outsiders.
2. Removing the state monopoly on violence de-emasculates men and their local gangs, a paramount requirement for avoiding loss of patriarchal K-selection. In Sparta, all male citizens were career soldiers, bonded by fraternity and unit.

As a thought exercise, let’s consider two neighboring tribes, Thugs and Nerds, in the supertribe of Plano. The Nerds hold a sliver of nominal territory; they are engineers, not combatants. They pay a tax to the sovereign of their housing, the Thugs, who specialize in combat, and also handle police duty for the neighborhood. No one challenges the Nerds’ sovereignty (and thus citizenship rights) because their nominal slice is surrounded by Thug territory, whom they pay. Plano sees to it everyone plays nice so that it doesn’t lose all its engineers and wind up in the poor house, getting whipped by other Dallas tribes in hi-tech duels.

It’s a completely stupid example for many reasons, but it has two virtues: 1. It’s short, and 2. It provides something concrete for those who lack imagination. Let’s see what we’ve learned.

Hey! We haven’t solved dysgenics! Those pussy Nerds can still breed like the rabbits they are. Maybe we’re doing a little better, though. The Thugs seem happy.

Or maybe not. Here’s a different example:
Plano adopts the Spartano-Capitalist system. The other Dallas suburbs do not. Plano obliterates its manpower in a series of brutal gang wars. The greater Dallas Area unites under a charismatic Baptist preacher and crushes Plano like a bug, in a very lopsided manner that says nothing about who’s the better individual soldier. In the gene pool, this is susceptibility to mass religious movements 1, K-selection 0.

Hmm. So maybe we need to put a damper on the free for all, before we lose all our guys. And maybe we need to do something about those rats in the cellar, multiplying like rabbits. (Oops, I mixed cliches. Or was it conjunctify metaphors?)

Tackle the latter problem first, since it’s harder. How do you decide who gets to breed? Feminism has proven that women can’t choose. History has proven the central state can’t tie its own shoelaces without amputating a foot. Who or what does that leave?

Well, the only non-corruptible institution is a permanent sovereign 12-man gang. Stationary bandits. We’ve established that. So, obviously, they should choose who gets to breed. Sorta like those Predator head-cams – those high-flash kills and trophies aren’t for fun, they’re for fucking.

But who is the 12-man gang competent to judge? Why, only its fellow members, of course. They don’t know shit about the other side, or anybody else but each other.

And how are they gonna decide? Hold a vote? Hello, schmoozing and manipulation; goodbye, K-selection. They’ll be forming gangs for the express purpose of winning votes to get that license to fuck, instead of brotherhood and sovereignty. Too easy to hack. Won’t work.

“Greater love hath no man than this: to lay down his life for his brother.”

Thank you, Jesus, you are always apt. That’s the one vote you can’t buy. So that’s the one we’ll use.

We want heroes. So we’ll give heroes the vote. Dead heroes. Because you can’t fake dead.

Hence the iron coin. Issuable only by death (or sterilization) in combat, or shortly expiration thereafter from wounds sustained during. Super-tribe “second” ensures no cheating. Coin goes to the dead man’s choice, from among his platoon mates. Very fucking difficult to corrupt.

Now the relatives of dead heroes are in MAJOR demand by every tribe. They got them dead hero genes; they’ll probably do the same. And you never, EVER, let down your tribe, unless you want to be pulling your pud from now till senility. You and all your male relatives, too. Bet they’ll have an opinion on that.

Plus, the cowards don’t breed. You don’t HAVE to be good at combat. Maybe you’re valuable in other ways. But you do have to face it, and if it comes down to it, take one for the team. That’s the essence of K-selection.

And, it really helps to be good at combat. Those sovereign payouts are nice, and policing your own block is easy. Crime in this society would be epically stupid. You’d probably get fragged by your own tribe in the next duel (occasioned by your actions) for causing problems. An understanding between the two parties would be reached. Free coin, no foul, and your best buddy is the happiest one.

Formalism says, make those who have power invested. Few have more power than a soldier who’s willing to die. Classical theory of government says, give power to those who are invested (e.g., you must have X amount of property to vote.) Nobody is more invested than the man who died for his sovereign unit. He gets the blood vote.

Someone gets the bright idea to recruit mongoloids (retards, not asians) for free fragging. Their tribe loses respect, their bloodlines are tainted, and they’re effectively fighting a man down. It all works out. Cultural K-selection is far from invulnerable, but it does self-reinforce and self-police.

Hey look – while we were fixing one problem, we also solved the other. No more free-for-all. Super-tribes have to stay competitive. Casualties over 50% will be counterproductive. Time to play peacemaker. Thug platoon may be great at squad tactics – give ‘em perks, but don’t let them slaughter all our logistics personnel. In fact, there’s no point in slaughtering anyone – you just want to take as much territory as you can until enough of the tribe has coins that it stops picking fights.

Course this means some guys will get stuck in non-aggressive tribes, coinless. I suppose they can “patch out” to a newly formed troop of eager bucks. Then try their luck raiding the veterans. Probly earn a lot of coins real quick that way.

I’ll stop here. Either my insane proposal is starting to make a disturbing amount of sense, or you’ve rejected one of my premises, and continuing is fruitless.

But yeah, Spartano-Capitalism. I think that’s the best name yet. Heheh. Things get really fun when you start to think about the interplay of economic and political (blood) forces under this system. Let’s just say it transforms most of the perverse effects of wealth into their polar opposite. We’ll have astronauts fighting on Mars in no time.

The soil’s red for a reason. Claiming ground with flags is for fags.

Oh calm down. We only need 50% male casualties to get everyone their coin. And we can get it all done in adolescence so it’s not too disruptive – assuming there are no good wars to fight. With the women thoroughly submitted, we should have no problem keeping the population up. Breathe, ladies. (And puuuuush)

A tower may only rise in proportion to its base. The bones of the fallen are the foundation of the state.

Pay half your young men now – or pay with your wives, your daughters, your sons and your fathers at the 10th generation.

Time conquers mountains, but waves are eternal – because each one loses itself.

Come hither, my disaffected fascists, zealots, and Neo-Nazis. I offer you a break from the plastic Disneyland – a world that is a serious place.


Anyhow, all that was prelude to some preliminary ruminations on how house of blood leadership should work. I reckon a selected (not elected) alpha is the way to go. No official selection mechanism; right to private duels and tribal sovereignty should provide the cover to blow off the necessary political steam. You just have to send a representative alpha to the supertribe or you aren’t represented, don’t count, and don’t belong. Send two instead of one, same result. That means the 12 guys at the top will be members of every layer all the way down. Kinda weird in a Babushka doll way, but the House of Blood is meant to be a messy place.

You might think duels would make politics too messy, but the right of tribal retaliation would prevent anyone from getting too clever. The elite-led prohibition on dueling is just the powerful playing pansy and female chimps pulling rocks out of hands. Keep your rocks.

I suppose the real question is whether it would squabble itself to bits, becoming easy pickings for another major power, or conquer all. But really, if everyone at every level understands the necessity of allying with neighbors against strong invaders as a daily necessity, how could they possibly fuck it up at the national level? And why waste time fighting hardened vets when you’ve got candy-ass civilians on every side? I think the decentralized state’s record of failure is an indictment of the state rather than an indictment of the formalized tribal super-federation. The state sucks, period, because it fails to formalize human nature.

Big or small, they always fall; strong or weak, they make us sick (a better answer).

Addendum: Oh fine, if you want to be a complete bitch about it, I suppose you can make each casualty count for TWO iron coins. Sorta like two dogtags. 1 in 4. Anyone? Anyone?

By the way, there’s an IQ test in this post. Commenters beware!

Koanimal post


I have misunderstood the purpose of koans. They are an evolving, self building set of psychological rails that grow with the process of maturation.

I need a single KPI that captures absolute success or failure. The accurate metric is God’s accounting system, as described in Jesus’ parables of the talents.

Cyborganize is missing the tactical time execution component. That piece is already done by Cal Newport in his book, How to be a Straight A Student. The key is a paralell paper system primarily focused on setting a morning daily schedule and blocking significant time commitments into the 1 month near feature. Newport is right that this needs to be done on paper, not on a screen.

Management and execution is the traction point where rubber meets road, and what I’ve been missing.

There was an unanticipated stretch of road between finding my theoretical baseline stable health formula and achieving stabilization and acceptable performance in practice. I have to eat and smoke only between 0700 and 1400, with perfect consistency. This is not easy to maintain given interference from work, logistics, life, temptation, procrastination, and depression factors. My koans needed to be better, and I needed more biological health buffer. After a few failed experiments and slipups, I found that buffer by doubling UDCA and digestive enzyme dosages.

I read Jack Donovan’s excellent The Way of Men. Man is a killer chimpanzee with an angelic consciousness that relates to God, an amphibian of flesh and spirit. Koans must ratify and formalize this nature.

The order of acquisition, to paraphrase Scarface, is: “First you get the pack, then you get the territory, then you get the women.” Anything else is ashes and dust for a K-selected soul and knightly Christian spirit.

Social interactions with non-pack members have no value. I can bond on shared forerunner traits and/or on a common religious and ideological purpose. Otherwise, the interaction is as empty and unfulfilling as the calories in a doughnut. I need a buffer of meaningful interactions in my life to power through empty ones. I gain nothing from forcing empty interactions, whether in the name of Game, extroversion or business. Instead, I lose well-being and energy from a pervasive sense of alienation, disgust and emptiness.

When I was young, I was foolish and assumed that others were like me. I thus brought an happy energy to those interactions and made some initial progress before encountering mystifying difficulties. Now I understand that they are not like me in any worthwhile sense, and cannot muster the enthusiasm.

The proper life rhythms are falling into place. Double monitors during the day, single dimming monitor otherwise. Red sunglasses and food and smoking Zeitgeibers. The way forward, I believe, is simple management and execution, using the procedures and workflows I’ve already designed. No grand strategic decision produces success; rather processes for strategic insight and continuous execution produce results.

I have means and mobility to switch venues after sundown daily, aiding concentration and mood, although the people I meet are empty. I’m buying the Lifetrac standing treadmill to power long stretches of concentrated learning and mental effort.

I understand that everything will be empty until I have a pack, and a real pack seems a long way off. The next iteration of the Forerunner Forums should be built on voluntary Spartan-style fraternities. Gaming together simulates cooperative hunting and warfare to facilitate bonding. After the pack is formed, it can figure out territory together. Territory before a pack is pointless, because it cannot be secured. Likewise a wife.

Territory can be economic, not just geographic. To be an employee of a Western corporation is to make submission to false gods. I will not kneel to the Cathedral’s golden DiversiCalf, or join the parasitic financier’s feast. To do so is as empty as conversation with enemies. Finding clean sources of money is hard, but doable.

Fortunately, the Kingdom is a pack, and possesses absolute power. With time and execution, these things will come. It is my duty to manage my neighboring affairs, to manage what is near, and not concern myself with far. Thus the immediate path becomes clear, and the rest is above my pay grade.

Koanic is a stupid name that harks back to the Platonist rejection of flesh, a Christian error ingrained by my upbringing. When I get around to relaunching, I’ll do it under the name Koanimal. Harmony of chimp and spirit is the way. Hesse’s Siddharta is an insightful study of maturation from which this lesson can be drawn, if viewed through a proper lens.

Simple, patient, ruthless and crafty execution in the now are animal traits. Humility and meekness towards God are spiritual. Both are necessary for peace, as Joseph’s arc from slave to steward over Egypt illustrates.

Thal required reading: The Cycle of Arawn


I just finished reading the Cycle of Arawn. It’s totally awesome. And remarkable, in that the author provides a fully fleshed portrait/critique of the Neandethal, in his tribal Norren race. I don’t think there’s any way he could’ve done this without being some kind of Edenist.

The series is dark, wry, intelligent, of epic length, and took 7 years to write – just the way I like them. The author appears to understand both the ingenopathic and psychopathic sides of the coin, which is admirable. The cosmology has good philosophical depth. There’s little not to love. My only complaint would be one or two sword fighting non-magical femme fatales, but the book is so thoroughly andro-centric that all is forgiven.

The Norren are super strong, small tribe pedantic xenophobic ingenopaths who are obsessive philosopher-craftsmen. Their complete lack of desire for either individual leadership or centralization renders them vulnerable to the human hordes. Slavery and gang-rape follow. They encompass all the TT virtues, yet without idolization – they are human, not Platonic ideals. And they get liberated.

We might quibble over the details of the characterization, but the overall effect makes the series a mandatory exercise in Neanderthal pride. Read and cheer. Fall in love with Mourn and Nulladoon – the best fictional game since Herman Hesse.

The Norren show up most strongly in book 2 of the series, if I recall correctly. A later exposure to Edenism?

¿ Housekeeping ?


To clarify: the title is both racially and culturally insensitive.

I am well, as in largely unafflicted by IBS episodes, consistently scoring personal bests on reaction speed, and happy and socially functional. Thus the long-promised refactoring is underway. It begins with Cyborganize resorting of my longform loops, which paradoxically means less content here. I have split off the proof of the supernatural to its own pair of sites:


At the moment, the former has a smidgen of new content, and the latter is all old stuff.

In the process of refactoring, I realized that the proof is a higher obligation than the Neanderhall etc, so don’t expect any significant movement there before the proof is well in hand. I am only a man, and can’t do everything at once. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

The refactoring will proceed on an as-needed basis. Personal and miscellaneous stuff will go to josephdantes.com/t25. KS will focus purely on meditation and koans. I’ll launch new sites for face reading and forerunner type stuff.

Let’s Get High and Prove that Ghosts Exist


If you bear me any goodwill, I need your criticism of my philosophical magnum opus: Let’s Get High and Prove that Ghosts Exist”.

It’s intended to be accessible and interesting to the average high schooler. In other words, I’m weaponizing the meme. You tell me whether I succeeded.

I live in mortal fear that everyone will tell me to lose the long Milton quote… sigh.

Feel free also to advise me on how best to propagate this thing. I’m wayyyy too close to this project, and it’s impairing my IQ.

Merry Outlaw Christmas


On the day the Silent Planet burst into song, let us count our blessings.

In our marriage beds, we find ourselves cuckolded by daddy State, who woos our wives to rebellion. He owns our daughters, and forbids their transfer to the inalienable stewardship of any husband – for they are his vote-tricks, and he is their pimp.

In our churches, we find that shabbiest of idols, the leaden Rabbit – its feet of mixed clay and dung, an image of the basest qualities of man. His wormtongue whispers are on each Christian’s lips; the prophets return to the wilderness.

In our markets, we find the weights are honest, but the money is not. To earn our daily bread, we must bow down to the Rabbit, and press our lips against its prolapsed anus in obscene genuflection.

Yahweh, God of Experience, sole denizen of the first Night: how should we honor you? Though you walked the Earth once in mercy, you would walk it now in wrath.

Your servants hear the stillness of your gathering anger. Should we, like Lot, live on in Gomorrah, suffering its insults until the angel leads us forth, the earth blackening beneath our heels? Would it please you to see us so meek?

Or perhaps you will send no angel, but let the quick and the damned perish together.

You are silent, and we are lost. As outlaws, therefore, let us live. Like the strong men of old, let us deal kindly where permitted, and hoist the black flag where not.

If the women are whores, we will use them. If the markets are rigged, we will cheat. If the men have forgotten God, we will deny them. If we are bound to lose, we will take what we can – and burn the rest, to hasten the turning of the age.

Give us the grace to do it with style – the last virtue left. Give us the gift of Samson.

You should not have plowed with my heifer.





The Zen of Samson


The previous post on Samson is yet another totally decontextualized bizarre statement from yours truly. As we’ve established, I prefer them that way; they seem to have more integrity.

So, to put it in context.

Combine a Churchian upbringing with a deepsocket integrity drive, and you get a man constitutionally incapable of hoisting the black flag. Sure, the special case of holy war is possible, but otherwise responses are limited to a range between gamma and high beta, depending on environment. In a hostile environment, gamma predominates. A man who cannot hoist the black flag may be trampled, and will.

I contemplated Jim’s harbingers of civilization, the pirate-capitalists. I found I lacked their spirit. A man must be able to embrace chaos and destruction for their own sake; he must be able to toast marshmellows on the world’s pyre.

Yet where is the Christian model for this? It is all Apollonian stained glass.

Finally the example of Samson struck me – truly a man of disaffection, chaos, and magnificent grudge. A hero of destruction small and great, without an iota of redemptive rebuilding.

It’s not meant to be the whole of the personality, only a facet – the threat behind the line drawn in the sand. A threat capable of graduated response, an animalistic growl unsullied by civilization.

Even as I departed from Churchianity, my training focused on building the Kingdom. But in Samson’s time, no such building was possible. As his time, so ours. How then, to act? When one is a born loser, a Yakuza, one can lose any way one pleases.

Everyone seems to conceptualize Yahweh as the God of brilliant light. But Satan, not Yahweh, is the morning star. Yahweh existed before light. I think the heart of Yahweh is smoke – if you can make sense of that. This makes Him more to be feared.

Anyhow, the main purpose of this facet is to halt the deepsocket self-flagellating integrity check / interrupt that occurs when I measure my actions against the goal of building the Kingdom. Under the right conditions, chaos and petty destruction are worthy ends. Entropy and devolution are not proofs of failure. Thus the interrupt halts, and I return to peace.

In other words, a permanent state of anger is not a healthy state, and the Samson post doesn’t recommend it. Paradoxically, the example of Samson is part of my path to continual peace and joy.

And unsurprisingly, when others detect the chaotic threat, they tend to show more respect for one’s personal boundaries. But again, it’s not about being butthurt; it’s just about being able to accept and integrate Dionysian acts and outcomes.

In other news, with the completion of the popular version of the proof, I need to select my next project. Philosophy needs traffic, but I think I can more efficiently generate traffic with my other projects, Cyborganize and Edenism. But first, I need to setup a working contact management / keep in touch system. Cyborganize’s executive and journaling functions are outstanding, but people management is nonexistent, a critical gap. With luck I’ll get it done this weekend; without luck two weeks. I’ve got a painful bio-test running, so productivity predictions are dicey. But at least thanks to journaling, my predictions are now grounded in reality. The value from my new 3GW journaling system is truly exciting; I can hardly wait to share it. I have absolutely no doubt that it is the most important part of Cyborganize. “Know thyself” is finally possible.

Free One Male Slave, Get Arrested Twice – Reason #947 Not to Marry


Frank is an idiot; Frank is married.

I met him at our expat church, a talkative shabby 50-something Texan sporting a broken wrist.

“She pushed me down the stairs,” he said. “But I forgive her.”

A lifelong loser, he met Abby on Lovelinks. After much Skyping, they were hitched, and he moved to her tier-2 Chinese city. He had no financial resources, few allies back home, and no Chinese language skills.

Frank’s pushy non-stop blathering is an economic asset in China, and he was quickly earning as an English teacher. She kept all the money (“The woman always controls the money in China; Don’t you trust me?”), and followed him everywhere to keep tabs.

A 40-ish thrice divorced insane village woman / reformed bar slut / strident Christian, Abby acquired her command of broken English between blowjobs and from her prior meal, an Englishman who parted from her one $1m apartment poorer. In the year she lived with John, she caused the mysterious death of 10 cats – one per month. Her mind was rational in the same sense that a junkyard wind mobile is a functioning auto – and the wind that blew her chimes was the most toxic brew of controlling feminine imperative imaginable. No rational conversation was possible; no contradiction permissible. Her sole skill was isolating and alienating every ally of her mark, using a face of seeming fairness that faltered under any prolonged inspection, and an encyclopedic accusatory barrage of slightly-true wrongs and faults she unloaded on any and every captive audience. (Frank’s rap sheet provided ample grist for that.)

Thus Frank continued, friendless and abused, through a year of enslavement, gradually reaching his boiling point. He tried to leave; she called the cops repeatedly. But still he’d always forgive her and come back from sleeping in the park – part Stockholm syndrome, part Churchianity, part lack of any other option. Aside from his broken wrist, he also sported a fresh scar from multiple stitches across his nose.

In a properly-run world, Frank would be a slave. It was not his enslavement that offended me, but his owner. I chose to intervene. He took my offer, and bolted to my spare bedroom.

In the few days I hosted him, his entitlement, drinking and non-stop talking began to wear thin. Much more annoying, however, was his insane wife’s response. First she tailed him to my door, despite my warning to Frank. I caught her attempting to burst through the door – but she feared me, and backed off without violence. Instead she went straight to the police, and told them we had a drug den going.

An hour later, I opened my door (no peephole) to a gun in my belly and 8 cops outside. Abby swept in; I boiled. It took several hours and a drug test before we were released.

This was extremely stressful. We were helpless and mute; the only person who spoke both languages was Abby.

After my release, Frank was hauled away to Abby’s local precinct to face her ironic domestic violence accusations. They laughed her out of the station, inured to her lies.

“Okay, I’m done,” she said finally, when no cop would listen any longer. Turning to Frank, she severely inquired, “Are you ready to come home now?”

Needless to say, Frank chose to return to my apartment instead. She then threatened via text to send cops to my apartment every day until I sent her husband home – and shortly followed through. This time she accused me of kidnapping and/or murdering her husband. He was not home at the time, so back to the station I went, until Frank returned to clear me.

This time, despite additional accusations against Frank (the litany, again), the cops in my precinct blew her off in a relatively shorter time. Once again, Frank declined her ludicrous request to return home. More threats, pleas, lies, etc filled my phone.

Luckily, China does not follow the spergish feminist American legal model, wherein any accusation must start the wheels of the system grinding. Flexibility and common sense prevailed – despite xenophobia, our language handicap, and every lie and half-truth she could muster.

While Abby’s dishonorable tactics only increased my determination to stand by Frank, his growing leech tendencies and profound character risks convinced me to ask him to move out. I offered him some additional money for housing until his next paycheck (the first that would go to him rather than Abby). He declined it. I believe, despite his defects, that he acted with as much honor towards me as he was capable of showing.

She proceeded to ruin his job, but he was nonetheless able to support himself by teaching private students. As I suspected, China was one of the few places where he could succeed. And I’m sure the threat of re-enslavement was a good motivator.

I pity Frank. His mind is half-addled by a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Much of what he is is not subject to conscious control. There, but for the grace of God, go I.

I gained the satisfaction of witnessing to him Christ’s mercy and justice, and of striking a blow for the masculine Red Pill. No doubt Abby will find another sucker on Lovelinks. Don’t let it be you.

Update: I wrote this post anticipating a future that did not eventuate. Apparently, after less than 24 hours on his own, Frank went back to Abby. His new mobile was disconnected, and I grew increasingly concerned over the next three days, wondering if Abby had him in jail or worse. However, I refrained from taking action or worrying overmuch, due to his history of unreliability.

I finally sent a text to Abby, threatening to get the police involved if I did not hear from Frank. I then reached him, after enduring a bit of her obnoxious gabble. He told me he’d decided to give Abby one last chance – “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

He further assured me everything that was fine, that Abby was giving him freedom, that he’d bought two new cats (for her to kill), etc. I told him “Good luck with that” and hung up.

He believed I would continue to be his friend and ally. When he called me again a few days later, I informed him that he’d wasted my time, and that I would not be continuing the relationship. 

Frank’s decision to resume cohabitation with a viper can be attributed to some combination of stupidity, leechdom, and Churchianity. I predict another brief honeymoon similar to the first two months of their relationship before Abby resumes her previous pattern of behavior, exemplified over the last 10 months. Even if she kills him, I will not intervene. He has chosen permanent slavery and must reap the consequences.

Going forward, I do not intend to associate with or assist anyone who does not merit my respect.

Contact management system complete


Normal people irritate me. Through meditation and innate commitment, I’m able to work as long as I can stand. When my brain and legs turn to jello, things get dicier, but often I can crank out pseudowork even then.

The sheeple are, of course, clueless. It’s those with half a clue whom I sometimes find incomprehensible. I see them, able-bodied, consuming entertainment, wasting time. Are they not aware there’s a war? Why are they watching black men in tights give each other brain damage when the fate of the West hangs in the balance?

I can only conclude that they lack some measure of either my internal commitment or the meditative capacity I’ve honed over a decade’s suffering. I must accept and move on.

It doesn’t matter. My armament is complete. The last weapon is forged – Thulsa Doom’s riddle of steel. As the War Nerd has taught, the greatest weapon is neither physical force nor truth, but flesh.

As a deepsocket ingenopath, I am handicapped in social maneuver. I lack the hardware necessary to proactively select and maintain valuable alliances. But in the digital age, a mental handicap is easily solved by a software prosthetic.

For many years, the proper tool eluded me. But I’ve found it at last in InfoQube, a PIM that truly unleashes the power of the SQL database. It is capable of embodying my contact management workflow. I can thus rate my contacts on the relevant dimensions of character and nature, and automate my ping intervals to sustain relationships, regardless of distance, according to a rational and congruent prioritization.

In the previous iteration, I attempted to solve my handicap through brute force application of Game/PUA. This was a category error. The charisma problem was secondary; Balthasar Gracian’s recommendation to collect allies of sound character was the primary objective, one orthogonal to Game/PUA. As Wall Street Playboys wrote, solving Game properly dependends on first solving finances and lifestyle, both of which require solid allies.

The deliberate application of right action through the Infoqube affordance overcomes my handicaps of psychoticism (ignoring group appeasement pressure) and social disinterest (small permanent tribe social configuration). By contrast, attempting to perfect r-selected mating habits only made me miserable without building a web of quality alliances.

Skype, email, Cyborganize journaling, and InfoQube contact management combine to eliminate distance and accident as a factor in tribal formation and alliance maintenance. This revolution places the weapon of flesh in the hands of the Neanderthal for the first time in anthropological history. The long cycle is now complete; the stage is set for the rise of the superior hominid. You can’t take the Thal out of the wilderness, so you must bring the city to him.

InfoQube is very likely also the proper platform for a physiognomy database, depending on how well I get it to display images and quickly rate. I may need to supplement with AutoHotkey, but I’m confident I can get it to work. Perhaps I will prioritize that next.

The first term in Marcus Limonis’ business equation is the most important: people + process + product = profit. My business mission is to serve the real people, the Tuatha de Danaan – as filtered by the power of SQL.

The handicaps that put the idiot into prior generations of savants are solved. The koans halt ingenopathic interrupts and monomaniac thought obsession loops, permitting immersion in the present. Cyborganize automatically generates 3GW strategy, executes tactically, self-monitors, learns anything (SRS + mnemonics), and builds alliances. Both solutions are mature, at least for me. Adapting them for others is only a matter of time.

In this time of chaos and dissolution, the Neanderthal has the opportunity to rise. But in order to triumph, he must first exist. Following the Jewish model, he must achieve cohesion, then wealth, then influence, then military power, then sovereignty.

For Anarcho Sparta and the new Knights Templar.

How to Take Over the World


In previous posts, I’ve outlined a societal design that avoids the cycle of empire, solves the problems of modernity including dysgenics, and provides massive K-selective pressure.

What remains unelaborated is how to move from our current society to the proposed model.

Recently I read the first portion of “Blood Brotherhood”, by the author of “The Way of Men,” Jack Donovan. For a long time, I’ve meditated on the various factors behind the failure of the previous iterations of the Neanderhall. This line from a recent review of “American Sniper” on Return of Kings struck me as relevant:

The real Chris Kyle said that war was “fun.” I know what he means. It is not really the act of killing, nor even the action per se, it is belonging to a group of your absolute best friends combined with having a clear mission in life all while testing yourself to the limit. That is what keeps men going back. That is why men such as Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle will leave the comforts of home and hearth to fight and risk everything on the field of battle.

I read the review after I’d come up with my solution, so it reinforced rather than inspired the idea.

The last source of inspiration was my own Cyborganize journaling practice. Using ConnectedText, Emacs Org-Mode, TapLog and LibreOffice Calc, I keep a meticulous journal that is accurate to the minute for time spent at home.

The utility of a daily journal is doubtful, for several reasons. Daily entries pile up and are forgotten, because the info density is too low to be worth rereading. Lack of quantitative measurements prevents useful comparisons across time. Poor general info management causes extraneous thoughts to clog the journal, reducing its effectiveness at its primary job.

The purpose of a journal is, of course, to force objectivity, perspective, and quantitative awareness on a non-quantitative hominid with lossy memory designed to operate by emotion and optimized for an environment that no longer exists.

My journal solves the above problems and fully achieves its objective. The rest of Cyborganize bleeds away nonrelevant information, leaving the journal lean and focused. Flexible Org-Mode checklists ensure adherence to a complex and evolving process. The most important innovation, however, is the nested review structure.

Over a week, daily entries pile up in an Emacs scratch file. These are then polished and transferred in batch on Saturday, for the weekly review. Relevant quantitative data is extracted and entered into spreadsheets. This includes performance ratings, detailed timesheets, and biological indicators such as Circadian rhythm. The text is summarized to a 7 day review entry and stored in ConnectedText, along with the linked daily reviews.

When two weeks of data are accumulated, this triggers a 14 day review, then a 28 day review, then 56 day, etc.

I currently have two months of data logged in this journal schema, and the strategic insight generated is profound. The framework has transformed journaling from a thankless chore to a core strategic activity, with indispensable performance and morale benefits.

Many of the thought-interrupt loops that plague deepsockets are self-evaluative. The unaided human mind cannot accurately comprehend itself, instead relying on wildly inaccurate and shifting emotional subjectivity. The journal demolishes this malfunction.

I’m fortunate to have a father sympatico in character, worldview and personality, so I can share my unredacted journal with him. The result is perfect accountability, transparency and intimacy. That is not something I’ve previously experienced, and it is as good as it sounds.

I will eventually publish my journaling method on cyborganize.org, when it receives its update. I assume few people will have the necessary focus and conscientiousness to adopt it, and those will be deepsockets.

Which brings me to my point. Previously, intimacy ~ 1/distance^2. Now, intimacy is no longer distance-dependent. For living ghosts, this is a weapon. Tribes no longer require proximity.

Here, then, is the progression I imagine:

First, we need some vetted and curated community where face pics are visible to members. From there, intimacy progresses from stranger to acquaintance to friend, via posts, emails, Skype, etc. We’ve already seen this happen on the Neanderhall.

This generates enough trust for the occasional two friends to try Bit Brotherhood – the first of four stages I envision:

1. Bit brother
2. Blood brother
3. Skull brother
4. Steel brother

“Bit” brother refers to what is shared – bits and bytes, in this case passworded archives of journal files. Gradually trust builds until journal sharing is unredacted and complete.

The next stage is blood brotherhood. I envision this requiring a physical meeting. Donovan talks about many forms of blood brotherhood, but the cowboy and Indian way seems best to me – slash the palm, bind the hands, and swear the oath: to kill and die for each other. Perhaps walk between bisected animals also, Old Testament style. The blood bond primary over kin, wife and offspring.

The next stage is Skull Brotherhood. It closely mimics the criminal gang or combat platoon. It requires several blood bonded men, up to some small-tribe limit, say 12.

It is named “skull” because, like many gangs, the rule is “blood in, blood out.” You kill to get in, and are killed if you attempt to leave. This is appropriate for a group with some sort of economic turf, possibly extralegal. Once you grow past a handful, you need a different recruitment method than blood brotherhood, which doesn’t scale well. I suppose some lesser trial or entrance barrier than murder might work, but I prefer to keep the blood theme, personally. Also, with increased scale, betrayal is a larger risk, meriting an explicit punishment.

The last stage is Steel Brotherhood. In this stage, the gang controls a small slice of territory, and the full social schema previously described applies. Children become an issue, and the 50% male casualty rate is applied to prevent dysgenics.

This is of course all completely insane, and is presented for entertainment purposes only. Everyone knows that incorruptible nested platoons of men cannot take over the world. Oprah wouldn’t allow it. Think positive!

Marriage, r-selection, and Sir John Glubb


I have long attempted to reconcile my Churchian blue pill upbringing with the modern ferale female. Thanks largely to Jim of Jim’s blog, I now grok.

Biblical marriage was a-consensual, in that consent of neither bride nor groom was required. Arrangements were made by patriarchs and law. Women were non-transferable property. Jim’s exegesis of the story of Ruth and Boaz is instructive.

Modern Christian marriage is borrowed from Roman contractual marriage, in which bride and groom consent. The Western marriage ceremony reflects the decadent, post-patriarchal phase of Roman empire. As cheap resources increase, r-selection and female emancipation and sexual promiscuity rise, and birth rate falls.

The English industrial revolution triggered Victorianism, the precursor to Puritanism, which is the forefather of the modern Cathedral. The Cathedral is defined by r-selected decadence, and “progresses” via the mechanism of holier-than-thou status competition, described by Jesus as “enlarging the phylacteries,” and properly named Phariseeism.

Victorianism overturned the previous English understanding that women were lusty whores apt to fuck any rake at the drop of a hat from puberty onwards, and redefined females as the innocent, passive and pure sex, with men as the evil aggressors. The effective result was repression of (beta) male sexuality and the liberation of the female hypergamic impulse.

Western state consensual marriage is therefore anti-Biblical, decadent and r-selected. The cultural practice of traditional patriarchal marriage gradually gave way before the legal assault, with the last vestiges disappearing in the 1950s.

Biblical marriage is legally unavailable in any white(ish) Christian nation except Timor Leste, and the predicted low birth rate results.

While a culturally patriarchal marriage was still reasonably possible in the 1950s despite the decadent legal framework, today it is (at best) an edge case barely possible for alphas with extremely careful bride selection, and even then will most likely suffer major unacknowledged r-selected drift.

Biblically, sexual crimes such as adultery and rape were crimes against the male owner, not the female recipient. Given women’s infamous rapid adaptation to sexual captivity, propensity to lie to avoid sexual accountability, unconscious arousal in response to male aggression, and inability to accurately introspect or rationally act in sexual matters, the Biblical model seems reasonable.

The Bible has no concept for the modern, un-owned, liberated woman. Their status is similar to deer. Nobody owns them, so help yourself. They lack even the standing of war brides, who clearly become the property of the victors, and were presumably previously the property of the conquered.

In the case of a war bride, the conquerer is to wait 1 month to avoid paternal ambiguity before initiating sexual relations, and may not sell her if he decides to discard her. The former regulation is now unnecessary thanks to paternity tests and contraception. The latter is inapplicable, since slavery is illegal. In any case, the point is moot because patriarchal ownership of women no longer exists – conquest is dead.

Contra Churchianity, a Christian man does not owe a feral woman an anti-Biblical state marriage. Likewise, despite what the story of the sin of Onan might superficially suggest, a Christian man also does not owe her children. Onan’s sin was extinguishing his dead brother’s patrilinial line of inheritance by not impregnating his brother’s wife. It had nothing to do with satisfying a woman’s attack of baby rabies. Today, it is legally impossible to commit the sin of Onan.

If you attempt to build your family on the foundation of state marriage rather than God’s law, you will deserve the predictable result. If you politely refrain from shooting deer because God forbids sheep rustling, you will deserve your starvation.

If you would be a shepherd, go wherever, by law or force, you may reign master in your own home.

I think there is a lot of New Testament holy blather from garrulous epistolaries that may cloud the issue. Achieve clarity by observing context and source. Yahweh>Jesus>Paul. Jesus was a racist who never read the Bible and whipped men like cattle. Yahweh frightens Conan.

The pietism and quietism which which Jesus accepted secular Roman rule does not apply to Neo-Puritan anti-Christian Pharisaical Cathedral rule. John the Baptist and Jesus both called them a brood of vipers. Embrace them and die.

“Karmic Rebound”


I have figured out an important part of what was going wrong with my health. Through rigorous experimentation, I controlled the IBS quite some time ago. However, chronic fatigue continued to increase.

This was due to continuous exposure to the preservatives commonly added to all seafood – sodium tripolyphophate, sodium bisulfite, etc. These various chemicals had various debilitating effects.

In Asia, I would carefully experiment to find the least debilitating seafood source. I could achieve 30-50% debilitation, at best.

My parents offered to bring me back to the US for medical care, and I accepted. The flight alone incapacitated me for a week. However, we were able to source dry pack scallops, which lack any preservative additive. This seems to be a good solution, so far.

Periods of debilitation are closely correlated with low core body temperature – from .5 to 2 degrees Celsius below the normal waking temperature of 37C. See Steven Richfield’s epic work of genius on health and body temperature – he is a Thal medical John the Baptist. Thanks to Tiger Ted for introducing me to Richfield.

If you are wondering why I’ve been inactive with Koanic Soul etc, the answer is that I’ve been too debilitated by chronic fatigue to do anything. My commitment to the cause has not changed.

Needless to say, the forced inaction is morally painful for me, and I use meditation and escape to cope. I’ve thus done quite a bit of reading. Here is a fun bit of classification:

Machiavelli – MT, in love with Dark Triad, but systematizing and honest, ironically incapable of the dark melon performance he admires.
Tolstoy – Russian soul, TT, author of the ultimate novel.
John C Wright – Probably MT, maybe with some softeners or occipital. First author to successfully cross the singularity in fiction. Inventor of the genre. Notable also for Awake in the Night Land’s worldbuilding.
Aaron Lee Yeager, “Karmic Rebound” – probably the healthiest and coolest example of the gamma male protagonist in all fiction. Loving the book so far. Hilarious and amazing. The example that puts all other gamma protagonists to shame. Asian + Buddhist + red pill. Constantly makes me laugh aloud. Has defied my expectations by not sliding into absurd wish fulfillment. (I’ve read 70% so far.)

Why this post? Well, I wanted to email Vox about the best gamma male novel ever. It would be a useful data point for his study of the gamma soul. However, my desire for full contextualization and complete, honest communication expanded it into this post instead. It’s not suitable for an email. But it is complete, at least re “Karmic Rebound”. End thought.

On Jews, Neanderthals, and the Mossad


Tex Arcane has been rather opaque on the subject, so here is a distillation. I’ve only just figured out parts of this myself. Unless I’m re-remembering?

The Amud Neanderthals were a hyper-gracilized Thal variant generated in response to genocidal Cro Mag pressure. Selective pressure caused them to mimic human appearance while appearing nonthreatening and juvenilized. They were technologically advanced and developing the ability to form larger tribes, but were abruptly genocided.

The Amud find was initially lauded and the Amuds lionized by the paleontological community, until they realization that the Amuds were Thal, and some smart fellow proposed his “human mimic” theory.

Someone in Israel, probably the secret service, then shut the whole thing down, replacing it with misinformation. This misinformation may have significantly contributed to the “Thal as hunchback” myth.

Why shut it down? Because “Jews are human mimics” plays well as a scientific justification for anti-Semitism, and thus represents a potential existential threat to Israel and Jews.

Ironically, to the extent Jews are Thallish, Tex is well disposed towards them. The plurality if not majority of Jewish Thal blood is Mousterian, a race Tex warmly regards as cousins to the Amud.

Where Tex and the Jews part ways is over their Khazar / Cretan / Atlantean / Melonhead bloodline. The Khazars opportunistically converted to Judaism to preserve their neutrality between larger Chrisitan and Muslim powers. Before that, they worshipped serpents. Think Thulsa Doom with lily skin and a conehead.

The slippery, deceptive master of the universe Jew is a Khazar, maybe with some Mousterian thrown in. And note that Mousterians are hardly the categorical imperative abstract ethicists that their higher-foreheaded kin, the Amud, are.

Rightwing anti-Semites often point to left-wing Jewish intellectual output and activism as proof of anti-Semitism’s thesis. To the extent that these Jewish acts are sincere and driven by Thallish qualities such as high IQ, alienation and altruism, the Mousterian and Amud ancestry undboutedly contributes. Thus it is inaccurate to say that Melonhead genes are the root of all Jewish evil.

Personally, I have 1/8 Ashkenazi Jewish blood, from my mother’s line. On that side, we appear to have been an artistic and middle to upper middle class family. Information is sorely lacking due to the Holocaust, but I detect mostly high-IQ Thallishness from that side.

Ironically, my readily detectable Melonhead lineage comes from my non-Jewish father’s side, which contains a striking sequence – I am a third-generation extreme MT.

In other news, after a couple months of travel related debilitation, the dry-packed scallops experiment is a success. This confirms that nigh-ubiquitous seafood additives shut down my body and brain, and could explain much of my years-long decline into chronic fatigue.

Hence the increased mental activity, as evinced above. Morning post – like morning wood, but longer.

Back to low functional


I reached a low functional level, a low 3/5, today. First time in months.

Scallops and rice only did not work. Scallops are too “pungent”, caused digestive upset. Much like eating another superfood such as beef liver in bulk might. I switched to organic chicken as my main protein source, and that worked. Scallops are relegated to a daily suppelement for micronutrients.

Once I get my desk treadmill set up, productivity should improve further.

The dry pack scallops did solve the seafood preservative problem. I never did find any dry pack shrimp, which would not be as “pungent” as the scallops, and therefore suitable as a main protein source.

Theoretically, I should perform better now than I did during my time in China, where I was continuously poisoned by seafood preservatives even if I managed to avoid exposure to everything else. This continuous exposure almost certainly explains the steady increase in chronic fatigue during that period.

Engagement with the traditional medical establishment continues, as well.

It seems I have relevant genetic risk factors from both sides of the family, possibly linked to Thal DNA, including double MTHFR from one side.

It got ugly there, to the point where I couldn’t stand for dizziness, but things are looking up. End report.

A Final Refutation of the Ontological Proof for the Existence of God


The ontological argument relies on the word “good” to arrive at the conclusion: “The max-good being must necessarily exist because existence is a good. This being all men know as God.”

The question is whether “good” is an analytical or a synthetic concept. Or, whether it is an arbitrary construct or a real/true concept.

Given the ability to slip one “free” word into a proof, one can prove anything. For example: the word “finkelvole” is a concept agglomeration signifying, “All men named Socrates are ladyboy pole-dancers.” Therefore, given the statement, “Finkelvole. Socrates is a man,” it necessarily follows that Socrates is a ladyboy pole-dancer. This proof does not correspond with reality, because “Finkelvole” is an arbitrary synthetic construct.

I submit that, for epistemological purposes, all human moral valence is hopelessly compromised by arbitrary mammalian simian evolutionary/sociobiological roots.

To prove this is a simple exercise. We list components of “goodness”, and then provide alternate sociobiological conditions under which they do not apply:

love – reptiles
joy – AI
peace – sharks
patience – mayflies
kindness – reptiles
faithfulness – bonobos
gentleness – sea urchins
self-control – cordyceps sinensis, virii, cats
existence – semelparous and matriphagic species, e.g. crab spiders

Thus “good” is an arbitrary construct of warlike mammalian apes, and unintelligible outside that context. It is unsuitable for proofs about reality in itself, but useful for exploring the human psyche.

The vast majority of what makes up a human being is similarly arbitrary and useless for epistemological purposes. However, one tiny portion, arguably the most important, is not: the monadic self-awareness.

Can we strip this monad of its monkey coloration, to achieve some objective morality? A common ground shareable between sentient mayflies, cats and crab spiders? I think not, but you are welcome to try.

I imagine the cat will have some trouble with Kant’s categorical imperative. “Do unto others… whatever I feel like… no, wait… whatever I can get away with… hrm, is my tail other? Gotcha!”

The truth is that only God can dictate moral valence, and thus we cannot use it to prove Him.

The ontological argument II – err, not exactly


This discussion belongs on my philosophy site, but since I’ve just spun up, I’ll do it here for now.

Heaviside brings up a good point. The technology of the ontological argument has advanced significantly since its first formulation, and modern formulations mostly do not rely on moral valence – ens realissimum.

Thus my previous post really refuted good-based ontological arguments, but not all of them.

My initial answer was that the Kantian epistemological firewall demolishes the others. But I should know better. I constructed the bridge through the firewall, via the unintelligibility backdoor.

In that proof, I reestablished Descartes’ cogito ergo sum. In the process, more concepts get ported over:
I. A number – 1.
II. Existence and being.
III. Subject and verb

This is a minimal list, but epistemologically quite dangerous. We have a number of arbitrary human concepts crossing the firewall to synthetic verification as components of reality.

Well, not exactly. But the alternative statement is unintelligible nonsense, so effectively speaking, close enough.

This actually makes the ontological argument prima facie viable again. I will have to think deeply on it at some later date. Thanks Heaviside.

Refuting the ens realissimum


This accursed thing is costing me sleep. So be it.

The ontological argument does not work, for the following several reasons.

1. Tolkein’s Imaginarium

In Tolkein’s imaginarium, are elves realer than men? Undoubtedly, yes. They are higher spiritual beings. They contain more Being.

Can we say that men are realer than elves, because men exist in Realitarium, whereas elves do not?

No. In Imaginarium, elves are realer, period.

Thus realness does not cross realms. The God of Imaginarium does not become realer by existing in Realitarium, or vice versa. Iluvatar !< Yahweh.

In another sense, everything in Imaginarium is fiction, and everything in Realitarium is real. The point is that these are two fully independent meanings of “real”, and it is dishonest to conflate them, as the ens realissimum attempts to do.

2. The largest number paradox

Contemplate the problem of the ens realissimum. In response to the above, proponents love to plead that being is a special case. The greenest, the meanest, the leanest, do not include existence necessarily – but the beingest does.

Fine. Are there other examples, or is this case truly one of a kind? If we break their novelty defense, we singe their wings of wax.

We won’t find another “beingest”. But we can abstract away the content to expose the underlying principle. That’s all math is, really.

So, instead of the beingest being, let’s posit the largest number. Then let’s posit the (largest number) + 1. Oops. “The largest conceivable number” is a broken concept; an inherent contradiction.

Likewise, the “maximum conceivable being” is a broken concept.

From cogito ergo sum, we obtain a standard measure of being – one human concsciousness, “C”. How many C’s does God have? G = infinity * C. G + 1C = ???. Broken concept.

Hmm. The above refutes the concept of infinity, not just the ens realissimum. Yet math uses infinity just fine. Thus the refutation seems suspect.

Fair enough, but the ens realissimum is not just infinity. It is the LARGEST infinity.

Can we compare infinities? Sure. A factory that makes 1 widget per hour forever makes infinity widgets. A factory that makes 1 widget per second forever makes infinity * 60 widgets.

If we couldn’t compare infinities, a line would have the same number of points as a plane; a circle as a sphere.

A square has infinity points. A square with a point beside it has infinity + 1 points.

No matter the infinity, one can always add one. Thus “largest conceivable infinity” is a broken concept. Ens realissimum is just “largest infinity” applied to being. Hence, broken.

Admittedly, my background in the mathematics of infinity is limited to AP calculus. I await correction in the comments.

I dedicate this post to my oversized proboscis, which I followed to arrive at the above, and bumped whilst navigating the dark.

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