The near-unanimous rejection of my Iron Coin Neo-Sparta state proposal is unsurprising and to some extent a source of pride at the rhetorical level, but disappointing at the dialectical level. The theory proceeds in a logically necessary chain. Why don’t you tell me with which step you disagree?
1. We should design a state that can succeed (golden age of empire) without devolving into putrescent decay (decadent/decline phase). (John Glubb)
1a. The Spartan state is the only exception to Glubb’s 250-300 year limit, and thus correct the starting point.
2. The root cause of the Glubb cycle is that man is a combination of r and K-selected genes. These genes propogate according to selective pressure and express according to environmental triggers. If we stylize the insidious Alien as the empire-bursting r-parasite, and Predators as the archetype of K-selected virtue, then humanity is a hybrid of both. (Anonymous Conservative, Moldbug, Jim, et al)
3. The anthropological male genetic failure rate is 40% casualties, 60% no children.
3a. This rate existed due to two causes: low technology versus environmental selective pressure, and endemic tribal warfare between male gangs.
3b. Hyper-wealth generated by modern high-IQ capitalist society eviscerates environmental selective pressure.
3c. Modern warfare has no appreciable eugenic effect, and is probably heavily dysgenic, and results in far less selective pressure than the anthropological norm.
3d. Most selective pressure since the dawn of agriculture has been for ability to eat agricultural foods, not K-selection.
3e. The modern trend is probably strongly dysgenic.
4. The sovereign male gang is the fundamental patriarchal unit of government under which both chimpanzees and humans are designed to operate. (Jack Donovan, et al)
4a. 12 is a good numeric size for this gang.
4b. Human institutional corruption increases geometrically as scale rises above 12 or permanency falls below lifelong.
5. Formalism works because it institutionalizes what already exists. In bandits, stationary > mobile.
6. A successful modern state requires patriarchy (population, investment in offspring), capitalism (wealth), a high IQ population (wealth), and K-selection (cohesion).
I believe that’s enough givens.
The Spartans outlasted the Glubb limit by brutalizing their men (K-selection) and using iron as currency (avoid wealth, thus avoid decadence). A modern military requires a wealthy capitalist economy, thus iron as currency is no longer viable. Brutalizing men still works.
The Spartans failed due to population collapse, backdoor feminism, and institutional drift.
Of the above, the most difficult problem is: how to institutionalize the brutalization of men at sufficient levels to cauterize the corrupting effects of modern wealth?
Thanks to their failure to solve the population problem and inability to scale their institutions, the Spartans preserved a military facsimile of the K-selective environment. They had the best soldiers, but they never had enough soldiers, so they never conquered Greece the way they conquered the helots. They remained an embattled city-state.
In designing our state, we may not assume that there will always be someone else to fight. America after WWII had effectively no rivals. Nor do we wish to necessitate disastrous military overextensions.
Thus, we may restate the problem: how may the basic unit of sovereignty remain embattled while the federated sovereignty enjoys a golden age of empire?
Hume was wrong. The state of nature is not man against man. It is male tribal gang against gang. Thus formalism suggests that we formalize the state of nature, by incorporating the civilized tribal duel into the foundation of our state. The super-tribe acts as “second”; date, place and weapons are set to minimize collateral damage; and the duel takes place, with territorial sovereignty the prize. Limited combat is the essence of K chivalry.
Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of the plan:
1. Regular real combat is the requirement for maintaining a 3rd generation warfare culture, which is the acme of war. The artificial constraints of a gang duel do not eliminate this value, unless they become extreme. Over-stylization is unlikely, since incompetent tribes face threat of conquest. Remember that just as tribes of 12v12 may duel, so 144v144, etc. At the top level, it is not a duel, it is simply war with outsiders.
2. Removing the state monopoly on violence de-emasculates men and their local gangs, a paramount requirement for avoiding loss of patriarchal K-selection. In Sparta, all male citizens were career soldiers, bonded by fraternity and unit.
As a thought exercise, let’s consider two neighboring tribes, Thugs and Nerds, in the supertribe of Plano. The Nerds hold a sliver of nominal territory; they are engineers, not combatants. They pay a tax to the sovereign of their housing, the Thugs, who specialize in combat, and also handle police duty for the neighborhood. No one challenges the Nerds’ sovereignty (and thus citizenship rights) because their nominal slice is surrounded by Thug territory, whom they pay. Plano sees to it everyone plays nice so that it doesn’t lose all its engineers and wind up in the poor house, getting whipped by other Dallas tribes in hi-tech duels.
It’s a completely stupid example for many reasons, but it has two virtues: 1. It’s short, and 2. It provides something concrete for those who lack imagination. Let’s see what we’ve learned.
Hey! We haven’t solved dysgenics! Those pussy Nerds can still breed like the rabbits they are. Maybe we’re doing a little better, though. The Thugs seem happy.
Or maybe not. Here’s a different example:
Plano adopts the Spartano-Capitalist system. The other Dallas suburbs do not. Plano obliterates its manpower in a series of brutal gang wars. The greater Dallas Area unites under a charismatic Baptist preacher and crushes Plano like a bug, in a very lopsided manner that says nothing about who’s the better individual soldier. In the gene pool, this is susceptibility to mass religious movements 1, K-selection 0.
Hmm. So maybe we need to put a damper on the free for all, before we lose all our guys. And maybe we need to do something about those rats in the cellar, multiplying like rabbits. (Oops, I mixed cliches. Or was it conjunctify metaphors?)
Tackle the latter problem first, since it’s harder. How do you decide who gets to breed? Feminism has proven that women can’t choose. History has proven the central state can’t tie its own shoelaces without amputating a foot. Who or what does that leave?
Well, the only non-corruptible institution is a permanent sovereign 12-man gang. Stationary bandits. We’ve established that. So, obviously, they should choose who gets to breed. Sorta like those Predator head-cams – those high-flash kills and trophies aren’t for fun, they’re for fucking.
But who is the 12-man gang competent to judge? Why, only its fellow members, of course. They don’t know shit about the other side, or anybody else but each other.
And how are they gonna decide? Hold a vote? Hello, schmoozing and manipulation; goodbye, K-selection. They’ll be forming gangs for the express purpose of winning votes to get that license to fuck, instead of brotherhood and sovereignty. Too easy to hack. Won’t work.
“Greater love hath no man than this: to lay down his life for his brother.”
Thank you, Jesus, you are always apt. That’s the one vote you can’t buy. So that’s the one we’ll use.
We want heroes. So we’ll give heroes the vote. Dead heroes. Because you can’t fake dead.
Hence the iron coin. Issuable only by death (or sterilization) in combat, or shortly expiration thereafter from wounds sustained during. Super-tribe “second” ensures no cheating. Coin goes to the dead man’s choice, from among his platoon mates. Very fucking difficult to corrupt.
Now the relatives of dead heroes are in MAJOR demand by every tribe. They got them dead hero genes; they’ll probably do the same. And you never, EVER, let down your tribe, unless you want to be pulling your pud from now till senility. You and all your male relatives, too. Bet they’ll have an opinion on that.
Plus, the cowards don’t breed. You don’t HAVE to be good at combat. Maybe you’re valuable in other ways. But you do have to face it, and if it comes down to it, take one for the team. That’s the essence of K-selection.
And, it really helps to be good at combat. Those sovereign payouts are nice, and policing your own block is easy. Crime in this society would be epically stupid. You’d probably get fragged by your own tribe in the next duel (occasioned by your actions) for causing problems. An understanding between the two parties would be reached. Free coin, no foul, and your best buddy is the happiest one.
Formalism says, make those who have power invested. Few have more power than a soldier who’s willing to die. Classical theory of government says, give power to those who are invested (e.g., you must have X amount of property to vote.) Nobody is more invested than the man who died for his sovereign unit. He gets the blood vote.
Someone gets the bright idea to recruit mongoloids (retards, not asians) for free fragging. Their tribe loses respect, their bloodlines are tainted, and they’re effectively fighting a man down. It all works out. Cultural K-selection is far from invulnerable, but it does self-reinforce and self-police.
Hey look – while we were fixing one problem, we also solved the other. No more free-for-all. Super-tribes have to stay competitive. Casualties over 50% will be counterproductive. Time to play peacemaker. Thug platoon may be great at squad tactics – give ‘em perks, but don’t let them slaughter all our logistics personnel. In fact, there’s no point in slaughtering anyone – you just want to take as much territory as you can until enough of the tribe has coins that it stops picking fights.
Course this means some guys will get stuck in non-aggressive tribes, coinless. I suppose they can “patch out” to a newly formed troop of eager bucks. Then try their luck raiding the veterans. Probly earn a lot of coins real quick that way.
I’ll stop here. Either my insane proposal is starting to make a disturbing amount of sense, or you’ve rejected one of my premises, and continuing is fruitless.
But yeah, Spartano-Capitalism. I think that’s the best name yet. Heheh. Things get really fun when you start to think about the interplay of economic and political (blood) forces under this system. Let’s just say it transforms most of the perverse effects of wealth into their polar opposite. We’ll have astronauts fighting on Mars in no time.
The soil’s red for a reason. Claiming ground with flags is for fags.
Oh calm down. We only need 50% male casualties to get everyone their coin. And we can get it all done in adolescence so it’s not too disruptive – assuming there are no good wars to fight. With the women thoroughly submitted, we should have no problem keeping the population up. Breathe, ladies. (And puuuuush)
A tower may only rise in proportion to its base. The bones of the fallen are the foundation of the state.
Pay half your young men now – or pay with your wives, your daughters, your sons and your fathers at the 10th generation.
Time conquers mountains, but waves are eternal – because each one loses itself.
Come hither, my disaffected fascists, zealots, and Neo-Nazis. I offer you a break from the plastic Disneyland – a world that is a serious place.
Anyhow, all that was prelude to some preliminary ruminations on how house of blood leadership should work. I reckon a selected (not elected) alpha is the way to go. No official selection mechanism; right to private duels and tribal sovereignty should provide the cover to blow off the necessary political steam. You just have to send a representative alpha to the supertribe or you aren’t represented, don’t count, and don’t belong. Send two instead of one, same result. That means the 12 guys at the top will be members of every layer all the way down. Kinda weird in a Babushka doll way, but the House of Blood is meant to be a messy place.
You might think duels would make politics too messy, but the right of tribal retaliation would prevent anyone from getting too clever. The elite-led prohibition on dueling is just the powerful playing pansy and female chimps pulling rocks out of hands. Keep your rocks.
I suppose the real question is whether it would squabble itself to bits, becoming easy pickings for another major power, or conquer all. But really, if everyone at every level understands the necessity of allying with neighbors against strong invaders as a daily necessity, how could they possibly fuck it up at the national level? And why waste time fighting hardened vets when you’ve got candy-ass civilians on every side? I think the decentralized state’s record of failure is an indictment of the state rather than an indictment of the formalized tribal super-federation. The state sucks, period, because it fails to formalize human nature.
Big or small, they always fall; strong or weak, they make us sick (a better answer).
Addendum: Oh fine, if you want to be a complete bitch about it, I suppose you can make each casualty count for TWO iron coins. Sorta like two dogtags. 1 in 4. Anyone? Anyone?
By the way, there’s an IQ test in this post. Commenters beware!