For the first time, I pronounce myself satisfied with a meditation system, even after testing it to fatigue-induced work-ethic failure. And, without any expectation of a better performance next time!
My stated goal was to find a meditation that would permit me to maintain right action up to the point of unconsciousness. This was manifestly unrealistic, given that mental faculties are a gradient. At times, and in the absence of urgent business, rest is a necessity.
However, I am well satisfied to find that my new work-ethic failure point occurs at a fatigue level where both standing and maintaining meditation are problematic. I judge this to be a success. More importantly, even once work ethic fails, I am still able to avoid wrong action. It is much more important to guarantee recovery by avoiding harm than to squeeze an extra few drops of work from a dry stone – particularly now that I am no no danger of perpetual drought.
** solving overeating with gore porn
My latest day of enforced rest is due to the last wrinkle in my stable baseline regimen, the overeating problem. My condition renders me not only absurdly oversensitive to overeating, but also strongly inclined towards it, probably due to reduced ability to extract nutrients from food.
I practice intermittent fasting starting at 2-3pm daily, for both food and smoking, because otherwise my sleep suffers greatly. Sunset occurs around 7:30, meaning I need to avoid eating for the last 4-5 hours of daylight in order to sleep on a night cycle.
I was already limiting portion size and eating every meal cold, but still would make occasional slipups. Since each error costs a day or two of fatigue and interrupted Circadian rhythm, these errors easily compound.
I determined that the eating trance was to blame, which is itself an adaptation to the evolutionary unavailability of refrigeration. Deciding to counter one monkey adaptation with another, I chained a habit to the end of my meals. After each plate, I would first look at a single image gore porn, then set a timer for one hour. After that timer elapsed, I could eat another plate. This worked admirably, even at full fatigue. Should I be tempted to indulge outside permitted hours, the simple threat of a gore porn dose proved sufficient.
FYI, gore porn refers not to sexual but to gory content. It silences hunger by activating disease and danger taboos. and seem effective. The brutal, direct, and personally costly nature of this solution appeals to my MT nature. I do pride myself on running the sort of advice blog you won’t find anywhere else.
** meditation for sleep onset
The past few days have also confirmed that the new meditation system is a solution to my previous troubles with bedtime observance and sleep onset. The first positive sign was that with this meditation system I could simply sit and do nothing indefinitely without impatience. Work, rather than idle indifference, was ever my objective; nevertheless this boded well.
I next found that the continual mind-clearing, emotion-centering, and resolve/pride/thumos increasing effects made bedtime adherence trivial, even under normally fatigued, uncomfortable, stressed, and/or non-sleepy conditions. This is in line with the general increase in conscientiousness and focus I’ve observed.
Likewise, when actually in the bed trying to fall asleep against significant biological resistance, the meditation proved a Godsend. Since it contains no words, it can be practiced deep into the gradient of unconsciousness, so that the actual transition to sleep is undetectable. The next morning, the only thoughts I can remember having whilst trying to fall asleep are the meditation itself. This was even true in the case of a nap, where I was persuaded I hadn’t fallen asleep at all, and instead merely lightly meditated, yet awoke to discover I’d slept through 1.5 hours of alarm. (A consequence of overeating fatigue, not meditation.) In my addled state, it took me a few moments to realize the mutual impossibility of the two facts. This makes me wonder whether I continue meditating through some portion of actual sleep.
** improved quality of work
Both quality and quantity of my work have improved thanks to meditation. While I have much to thank Cyborganize for, gone are the deep-socket obsessive issues that used to plague my working experience. What gets done is well-executed, insightful, and of sufficient volume to impart significant life momentum over a relatively short period of application. Extrapolating this momentum over a longer period gives me a staggering sense of what I’ve been missing.
** improved quality of leisure
Although I feel that my rests are now more reasonably aligned with biological limitations, downtime still does happen. My occupations during such times are greatly improved. Rather than seeking to fill a hole left by emotional distress and instability with cheap entertainment, I’m now drawn to more substantial fare. I’ve replaced a steady stream of light escapist Kindle purchases with a steady survey of the Project Gutenberg library, conveniently powered by the FBReader and Free Classics Android apps. The result is far more uplifting and instructive, as long as I avoid those pestilent seeds of leftist corruption scattered amidst the wheat – e.g. Les Miserables, whose lesson is that criminals are noble Thals, rather than feral subhumans.
** the limits of meditation
Meditation is nothing more than a mental habit, and I suppose it is too much to ask that one habit supplant all others. Rather, from this habit, the construction of the other necessary habits naturally flows. Even meditation is not sufficient to make every choice perfectly at every moment, and against every contrary inducement. But it is more than enough to ensure such an outcome is extremely probable, when allied with good health, a fully developed system of circumstantial habits, and application over time.
That last is the most important. Having spent so much time gaining self-mastery, I now look forward to the cumulative effects of its uninterrupted and lengthy enjoyment with great hope and pleasure. That is the stuff of which civilization has made, and I have languished too long on the outermost barbarous periphery.
With this sensation of completeness comes a desire to document, so what follows is a rough sketch.
** the meditation
Inhale and exhale, envisioning a dimensionless point located in your brain. If the point expands to a sphere, try to tighten its diameter to zero. The tighter the point, the greater the concentration. Repeat.
This is the meditation of the mind. Notice the clean clarity, focus and emptiness it provides.
Now repeat the process, but locate the point at your “heart”, or rather a point at the center of your chest. We are meditating, not anatomizing.
This is the meditation of the heart. You may feel mild sorrow – experience that until it passes. It should be soon replaced by clean well-being.
Repeat the process again, but with the point located at your groin. You should feel something akin to virility or testosterone. If you don’t, tighten the point (mentally, not physically!), and make sure it is located correctly and distinctly in your mental awareness.
This is the meditation of balls. Every man needs them. I don’t know what effect this would have on a woman; presumably it might increase her natural feminity and sensuality.
We are not done. Now try each point, but speak in tongues within your mind, as you inhale and exhale. Channel the tongues through the point, the same way you do your breath. The more distinctly you can hold each element, the greater the effect.
Lastly the sequence. My preference is two breaths groin, two breaths heart, two breaths mind – an ascending motion. I’ve tried other variations, but find this works best even when trying to fall asleep.
** the diet
A chicken breast, a handful of shrimp, and a cup of white rice comprise one pressure cooker pot. I eat 1-2 pots per day. It takes 4-7 plates to finish a pot, I never counted. I drink or eat nothing else but bottled water.
** the habits
On my Android phone, I set various alarms. In addition to the 1 hour plate spacing rule, I nap for 20 minutes every 3 hours. I set the 20 minute wakeup timer at the same time as the 3hr 20 minute next nap reminder. Habit chaining = adherence.
I use background videos, mostly of girls dancing in bikinis or less, to enliven my workspace, but since upgrading my meditation I find music to be a needless distraction. Thus the videos stay muted, or on very low volume.
In addition to Cyborganize, I employ the following daily checklist:
*** day progression
- [X] proto-koans
- [X] vids on
- [X] brush teeth
- [X] breakfast
- [X] andro+ M/W/Sa till 09/26/14. see androplus.ods
- [X] health spreadsheet data entry
- [X] journal
- [X] health experiment update
- [X] reaction speed
- [X] grab eye mask, put on couch / in jacket
- [ ] shave
- [ ] shower
- [ ] make bed
- [ ] 1 PM: Stop smoking well before sundown
*** sundown
- [ ] Exercise to failure
- [ ] chillout music
- [ ] red sunglasses
- [ ] apply BP
- [ ] prep bed – make bed, move blindfold
- [ ] KIT phone calls
*** bedtime alarm
- [ ] evening data entry: health, outings and timergy
- [ ] journal
- [ ] lights out to bed sequence: utorrent, backups, koans, grab phone, singlescreen pc, mute, lights out, bed.
** conclusion
The above checklist uses Emacs Org-Mode. Unfortunately, the actual correct version of Cyborganize is not published, although it has been stable for months if not years. The currently published version is bad and should not be used. I will get around to updating it eventually.
Otherwise, you have here everything I use for self-mastery.
There can be no doubt. The meditation works. I can grind all the way down to the bare metal of biological limits.
I remember the first time I tried exercising to failure with the meditation. I hit my usual failure point and didn’t even notice it. Just kept going long, long past it, until the muscles ACTUALLY failed. Not the psychological failure point, not the emotional failure point, the physical one. Then I walked it off, not even noticing it during recovery, just naturally adjusting my gait to the muscles that didn’t work. No bluster, no bluff, just bare metal.
My spirit’s drive shaft has always been made of steel. But without a proper transmission in place, the gears just shredded into my soul, making a gooey mess. Now I have a diamond transmission. This is what I always wanted. It was worth the endless iterations, worth the illness itself.
I may hydroplane, I may blow out all four tires and scrape along on rims. Doesn’t matter. As long as fire drives shaft drives gears, I am content.
Preliminary data indicates it works socially too.
As long as I have enough focus to meditate, fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety, fear, etc are my bitch. And if I don’t, I’m too incapacitated to do anything about it anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Viva morte.