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Skeptoid dummies cry “headbinding” over ancient mega skulls


Eric Orwoll’s video response to my Epic Rap Battle of Edenism leaves something to be desired. Or rather, everything.

It is precisely my contention that these skulls have not been properly studied, due to the reflexive skeptard reactions of people like Eric. A relevant answer would constitute turning up some competent papers by mainstream anthro about these elongated skulls, and then we read them and evaluate their arguments. His response vid doesn’t even rise to that level. Zero effort. I am dissapoint. And if he is relying on Stephen Novella’s refuted hack job for his Starchild critique, I swear, my respect for him will drop to zero…

Anyway, Eric’s adopted the standard skeptard line, best summarizedhere:

Author Robert Connolly has collected and photographed a number of skulls from ancient Peru, skulls that are surprisingly elongated. In Peru, a practice called “skull binding” involved wrapping fabric or leather straps about a child’s head, molding it as it grew into this strange oval shape. There’s nothing mysterious or unknown about this; we have plenty of historical and archaeological data about this practice. But Connolly disagrees, stating that this explanation “has been rejected”. Well, it has, by him; but not by the anthropologists who make Peru their business. The elongated skulls of Peru are certainly interesting, but their origin is well understood and no mystery exists outside of the delusions of those who insist on alien or supernatural explanations for just about anything.

This is the only response they have – head binding. No explanation for why then the skulls don’t look like these real examples of head binding:

chapter-5-figure-2 Bound head images

As I stated in the video, head binding leaves grooves or flat planes in the bone, whereas natural unrestrained bone has natural convolutions, because it does not grow perfectly straight or flat. Moreover, head binding cannot increase brain and skull volume, it can only move it around. The result is itty bitty coneheads, not giant promethean coneheads. This Google Image Search says it all, juxtaposing real mega-coneheads with cheap manmade imitations. The difference is so obvious only a blind man or a guild anthropologist could miss it.

Eric criticizes Lumir G. Janku’s photographic interpolation method for estimating cranial volume. I can’t find any additional info about the method on Google. But Lumir’s discourse is measured, reasonable, and well informed. For example, his is the only location I found for the largest modern cranial volume recorded, a retarded man with approximately 2000 cc.

So here’s my challenge to Eric and the skeptards: show me one headbound skull that looks anything like the melons.

These skulls are found from Peru to Mexico to Siberia to Egypt to Malta. Sure, it’s all magical “headbinding”. Hey, we can do all anthropology that way! Ignore volume and shape, just say the magic word: “headbinding”. Voila.

(The Egyptian and Mexican ones are a bit smaller, suggesting a trend of degeneration to the sizes we see today in modern melons.)

A skeptic is someone who is familiar with human nature. A skeptard is someone who is familiar with human nature only as it applies to those outside the current high-status consensus.

See more melonhead skull vids at end of my article here.

You’re already using “koans”– bad ones that mess you up.

Wanna Be Famous? Use This Psych Study Design to Prove the Neanderthal-Introvert Connection


A couple of people have mentioned that I should just do a study to prove my face-reading theory and revolutionize psychology. I agree wholeheartedly. But I am not an academic, so I have no way to do the study myself.

Therefore I’ll just suggest the methodology here and let any academic or psych student who’s interested publish the result and get the credit. No need to mention me whatsoever.

Below is the simplest possible way to do the study and find an interesting facial / psychological correlation never before discovered in the academic literature. Just think, you can be famous!

1. Subject pool: Collect some students from your psych class. Non-african guys will work best. White guys will result in the highest correlation. Definitely do not use any Northeast Asians, they will throw everything off. Obese guys will also throw things off, by fat obscuring the brow bone.

2. Have them stand perfectly in profile in front of a wall with a horizontal ruler in the shot. Take the picture with a digital camera. This is just like the side view on a police mugshot. Take the picture from the same point every time, and have two marks for their feet so they all stand in the same place. Have a mark straight ahead they they can look at to keep their heads at the correct angle. No glasses, hold back bangs that fall into eyes; relaxed facial expression.

3. Give them a questionnaire about their introversion. Use MBTI or just ask them to rate their introversion 1-5. You psych guys know what you’re doing here so I’ll stop telling you your business.

4. Afterwards, manually measure the horizontal distance from the tip of the cornea to the brow in Photoshop or Gimp. Take pixel counts and then convert them all to facial millimeters at the end, using the ruler in the photos. The pixel to millimeter ratio should be the same for all photos, since the camera point and standing location are the same.

Like so. You want to measure the bottom of the triangle:

side-profile IMG_20130301_175818stock-photo-15670397-young-man-profile-portrait


How is this connected to Neanderthals? They had deep eye sockets, and are known to contribute a significant percentage of non-African human DNA.


And apparently they had poor social skills and lived in very small tribes… go figure!

Bonus – for a higher correlation % with introversion, also measure horizontal eye size (corner to corner), occipital bun size, and facial width to height ratio (WHR, a testosterone indicator). You could make a career out of this stuff… Nobel prizes dancing in your dreams… go get ‘em tiger.


Religion for the Irreligious – Why Koanic Soul is not just for Christians

Is RSD useful for introverts? What about PUA in general?


A good discussion on the NeanderHall. Here’s my view on the question:

I’ll start by qualifying my “guru” cred. I’d say my main accomplishment is comfort. There’s a LOT to game. I’ll always be a student. I haven’t practiced much except LTR game with my fiancee, because of illness. My notch count is around 16, some of them quite hot, all of them Asian, most overseas. My current fiancee was off daygame cold approach, which accounts for a lot of my notches.

There are two main benefits I possess. First, by reading a lot of game theory from different schools, I intellectually understand social dynamics. Secondly, the koans make me comfortable. There’s very little that can rock me off center any more, even nightmares. Essentially I have to be suffering heavy physical impairment, such as mental fatigue and physical pain, before my meditative center is ineffective.

So barring those two conditions, I’m comfortable with who I am and what I’m doing in the moment, all the time. I don’t have to plan ahead or think about what I’m doing. This solves a vast amount of the problems in Game for introverts. From that base, you can learn a lot by doing, and apply techniques if desired or just go natural. But it’s going to be an inherently easy and enjoyable process, even the parts that suck, like LTR fights or tough confrontations in general.

A lot of the RSD materials and videos are fantastic. They supply an excellent paradigm you won’t find anywhere else. I won’t say it’s the whole truth, but it’s an aspect of truth that’s important to understand.

RSD pricing – scrapetorrent.com and their free video blogs. Yes, the content is revolutionary and available nowhere else in the Manosphere. What they’re charging is reasonable.

RSD approach grinding – I disagree with them here. My koans are the shortcut to this process. I do NOT recommend approach grinding for most introverts, unless you’re a narrowspace smalleyes who can take the punishment.

Approach grinding is a way to stabilize your core by massive social overstimulation until callousness is achieved. Essentially, kill the nerves with pain until they’re all dead. There’s a much better way to do this – koanic stabilization. It does work for at least moderately severe introverts IF you have extreme dedication, as Tyler’s example shows. However, even then he’s dependent on momentum and getting into state via a painful process.

It’s much better to koan stabilize and then filter your approaches for genetic compatibility, and gradually build a fulfilling life that puts you into charismatic “state” most of the time, by carefully selected and nurtured relationships.

Yes, RSD burnout or just never progressing despite massive work does happen for the reasons you described. Keep in mind that the instructor and content diversity in RSD is very high, so generalizations are difficult.

I would say there are some great RSD inner game lessons for anyone, e.g. Tyler’s Blueprint, but it is incomplete and a temporary enlightenment high. Koans + facereading filtering is complete, but for the high octane stuff you’d need RSD to turn on the afterburners.

“4. Is Tyler Durden/Owen a wise old Thal or a sociopath? Do you trust him?”

I would say he has done a tremendous amount of work increasing his sociopathy, but moved away from that mostly now. And had an extremely unstable childhood which increases psychopathy, but is genetically pretty Thal.

Do I trust him? In set, never. As a business partner, yeah probably. As a guru, yes now, but not in the past.

I think the biggest lesson of RSD is exploring the malleability of the social matrix and female sexuality. Lots of hacks.

I agree [redacted]. Roosh can make lots of approaches because he’s narrowspace smalleye. It’s not just a numbers game, there are real skills involved that Roosh does a good job of teaching. But the approaching itself is partially a genetic ability.

I agree that powering past AA is nigh impossible past a certain sensitivity point. I am borderline invincible AA. I have a koan to deal with that, my thumos line. See here.

“Some aspects of game are useful but one really needs to be invented almost from scratch for TTs.” Agree 100%

“All existing social systems, religion, psychology, pop self-improvement, business, sales and management fads, are toxic to thals.” Agree in large part. Missing something, and potentially deadly, yes.

Agree [redacted] re AA causes. Thal issues go way beyond the approach, but perhaps you haven’t spent enough time there to enumerate them.

The Rules of the NeanderHall


I have decided to allow full visibility for typed groups. E.g., MT’s will be able to see the TT hall, but not post there. MM’s will be able to see the TM hall. Etc.

I am glad I did not initially allow this. It allowed the subforums to develop their unique characters independent of comment or criticism from potentially less understanding types.

However, there are also significant downsides to the arrangement. It is difficult for e.g. MT’s to learn about TT psychology solely from my secondhand characterizations. It is better for them to see the pain for themselves, to understand the stakes of this battle, and motivate them to furious dedication.

Bear in mind that if you have Neanderthal genes, you may have a TT child. Realize that Neanderthal genes are going the way of the dodo bird. This is an existential fight:

“A greater proportion of early modern Europeans had [occipital buns], but prominent occipital buns even among Europeans are now relatively infrequent”


So, I am opening visibility. But, I WILL NOT TOLERATE aggression by less sensitive types against more sensitive types. Do not express, explicitly OR IMPLICITLY, contempt for those more Neanderthal than yourself. It is a bannable offense.

If you’re not absolutely sure I’ll be fine with what you’re doing, avoid making any mention of “nerds” or “losers” or “pussies” etc. If you have a legitimate problem with someone who has more sensitivity markers than you, PM me rather than calling them out.

E.g., if someone likes ponies (multiple), or is gay (one so far), or is a Starchild (one or two), or a scattered TM, or has Asperger’s (multiple), and you don’t like this, zip it. Let someone with equal or greater sensitivity criticize that. It’s not your job.

Even if a more sensitive type calls you out, you are not allowed to hit back at full force. If you don’t think you can practice that much restraint, simply keep silent.

There are plenty of Cro Magnons to mock. We don’t need to turn on our own kind. Regardless of how important you feel the moral or religious or social or intellectual issue is, the value of a safe haven for Neanderthals is more important.

The pure Neanderthals among us are not weak. They are simply designed for a small-tribe insular structre that no longer exists, and are thus traumatized, sometimes to the point of total debilitation. Yet within their proper environment, they would be respected big game hunters and herders with more fractures than rodeo riders, fathers with families, and unhesitating to spit invaders at close range on their heavy spears.

It is the duty of the stronger and better-adapted among us to shepherd the broken and hurting. If you play the wolf, the dog or the hyena, you’ll be banned permanently.

There is one unforgiveable sin here – driving away a dysfunctional Neanderthal. You’ve been warned.

I will try this experiment and if it gets out of hand, or the TT’s don’t like it, I will resume the cloaking for whatever groups can’t handle the above behavior code. *

How Koans Maximize Willpower – Penn & Teller, Celebrity Apprentice & Game


In the below video, Penn of Penn & Teller talks about his time on Celebrity Apprentice and how willpower is a muscle that weakens with continual use. When people are in front of cameras, they initially exercise high willpower to manage self image, but after a while this muscle is exhausted and they become completely undisciplined.

Interestingly, Penn’s response to this exhaustion is to become quiet and non-confrontational. From this we see that he’s an introvert, which is common for intelligent big-eye melons.

(Penn’s eyes appear small now that he is old and fat, but were large when he was young and skinny. I measure eye size corner to corner.)

t1larg-jillette_penn sovTE7g

This willpower exhaustion phenomenon described by Kahneman is extremely relevant to introverts attempting PUA. The typical PUA strategy is a huge and exhausting self-monitoring performance for introverts. Because the judging superego of introverts is so strong, this is like working in front of TV cameras. It can take many hours of this to seduce a girl, during which time willpower runs out and the introvert reverts to his quiet default state.

There are ways around this, as the success of RSD proves, but the fact remains that this willpower exhaustion is a major problem for introvert would-be PUA’s. This is why they feel that pickup is “exhausting”. It literally is.

Koanic Soul is designed to avoid this exhaustion by eliminating the exercise of willpower in the first place. There is no big goal of pickup. There is no big “summoning of courage and focus” for the performance. There is no performance, period. There is no difference in internal activity between hitting on a girl and working on a computer. In both cases, the only focus is maintaining the meditative state. The only goal is to generate congruent spontaneous output from the subconscious.

Instead of attempting to kick-start one’s behavior and energy in social situations, one simply expresses subtle non-verbal body language dominance, thereby grabbing attention and building tension. That supplies the energy to kick the subconscious motor into generating some sort of social response, or it doesn’t, which results in increasing tension, which causes the other person to react, which is funny. It’s a no-lose situation.

There’s much more to say about this, but I’d simply be duplicating what’s already on the “How to do Koanic Soul” link at the top of the page.

Clubbing for introverts & the why behind the Great Depression 2.0 – Voice of Eden, March 18


Correction: That’s 4 post per day at the Neanderhall.


Notes on Moldbug:

Problem is unemployment of the economically useless

Solution A – Run country like a biz, hire and fire, automate and outsource. Kill the useless.
Pig philosophy, king but no computer.
“Universal unemployment is the definition of the Singularity.”

Solution B – Embrace unemployment. EBT card. Detroit. Destroys character.
Natural aristocrats rare.

Solution C – Oculus Rift, physical imprisonment with virtual enrichment.

Solution D – Beyond A, B, and C, we enter the domain of solutions which involve distorting labor markets to integrate these human liabilities into some semblance of a normal institution of production.

keep the peasants fit, healthy and happy, pay them to do otherwise unnecessary work. Like, you know, building pyramids.

The purpose of Solution D is to lose as little money as possible, while maintaining the human quality of your assets and preventing them from degenerating into Hardcore Pawn customers, 10th St. zombies or other revolting parodies of the human condition.

Ditch digging fine for all but natural aristocrats. Federal 1 for those.

makework programs are restricted to strong governments. Ours is a large government, but by no means a strong one. FDR’s was a strong one.

The strong are confident and can tell the truth. A weak government has to shroud the truth in a cloak of lies

Makework has to be defended by lies, whereas welfare is indefensible. The defenders of welfare are therefore forced into the brazen fortress of property – they and their clients must assert that they are entitled to these emoluments, which is of course the one thing they ain’t.

Politically, the ideal way to apply Solution D is to make the actual work as separate as possible from the source of funding. – indistinguishable from the rest of the economy.
inflate aggregate consumer spending

borrow instead of taxing, to avoid annoying taxpayers. but still annoys them with govt spending.

even better: So we have a second-best way to inflate AGDP, convincing the private sector to borrow more(D-2); and a first-best way, making the stock market and real estate go up (D-1).

D1 = USA, Greenspan.
D2 = China

Excessive market cap is like nuclear waste. If it gets out, as in 2008 – you have a problem.
solved by solution D-3, printing money to buy nuclear waste.

Its insanity is totally disproportionate to its actual purpose, ie, employing otherwise idle and useless humans.
significant and unnecessary financial weirdness, whose only purpose is to pretend that the machine is not in fact a makework scheme.

In America, the consequence of job creation through AGDP inflation is the notorious FIRE economy, a central-planning system in which the only income source is asset-price inflation, and the employment created involves Mexican immigrants installing granite countertops and nice white ladies selling real estate to each other.

A critical point is passed in an event like that of 2008, which might be described as the transition from debt capitalism to debt communism.

Under debt capitalism, it is possible to sustain the illusion that both borrower and lender are private-sector agents. Under debt communism, a state we have now attained, borrowing remains a private action, but the Fed is now and forever the lender of first resort.

The bottom line is that in business terms, what’s wrong with the American economy is very simple. It loses money. In order to keep operating on an even keel, it needs to borrow roughly $1.2T a year. In other words, we have a simple way to get 2% AGDP growth per year – expand the debt bomb by 2% a year. We can also inflate the stock and real estate markets, which is better, of course, because equity does not create obligations.

A money-losing economy, like a money-losing restaurant, sucks. It sucks in all kinds of ways that have no apparent connection to finance. The entire dining experience is grim. This, indeed, is the experience of the entire “old economy” outside the little bubbles of Silicon Valley and Wall Street. My in-laws live in Columbus. Columbus sucks. Even with Chairman Ben’s 85-billion-a-month bond-buying “recovery.” It is more and more palpably a Soviet restaurant.

The fantasy of the money-losing economy, like that of the money-losing restaurant, is that if enough money is pumped in, eventually the “pump will be primed” and the engine will restart on its own. On this theory, America has been expanding its debt bomb since the 1930s. Yo, it’s not working. I’d be happy to bet any sum of money on what would happen if Chairman Ben turned off the QE. If you are into professional betting, bet on zero interest rates for the infinite future. “Capitalism” with zero interest rates is a mockery and a monstrosity – but there is no alternative within the system.

Debt has to be serviced. Debt saturation happens. When it happens, debt deflation begins – and in a debt-deflation phase, even borrowing at 0% is no longer a market operation.

Once debt deflation begins, there is no alternative but reflation by direct government spending, in the classic “Bernanke helicopter” mode. While the political system is always capable of helicopter drops in theory, it may not be capable of it in practice. And if it can achieve direct inflation, it has still entered a purely Soviet mode in which all investment is directed by the State.

And all this, just so that marginally employable Americans with an IQ of 95 can have jobs. Which many of them can’t.

Nothing other than what we’re doing now is politically possible, at least, not without regime change. As Hunter S. Thompson put it, that bothers me the way VD bothers a Hell’s Angel.

Recommendations: cut all imports, continue exports. Vox Day agrees, free trade is a weapon of the strong, and US is no longer strong. Less fun – more prosperity.

Tech restrictions – e.g. handmade kid’s toys only, giving jobs to idiots who can whittle. Artisanal farming mandates. Etc.

And regime change, currency collapse, strong government ala Singapore. A King who can wield the power to implement these solutions. Plus, a better people wouldn’t hurt.

Reading Forehead Slope – Adriaa Richards and Brock Lesnar – Facial Anthropometry 101


Here’s what I mean by forehead slope. Take Brock Lesnar as a very radical example:

BrockLesnar_original ufc_116_brock_lesnar_vs_shane_carwin_12_2288x1525

Brock also displays some archaic giganticism, at least a little socket depth, and a mostly melon back of head. He’s socially comfortable and charismatic, pragmatic, personally guarded, plays a great villain, and prefers an introverted country lifestyle.

Here are some examples of vertical foreheads:

1244757220_828884_56 Pamela_Anderson_goes_shopping02 images

Here’s an intermediate 45 degree slope (with deep eye sockets and major occipital mass to boot):


The meaning of the slope

The more vertical the forehead, the greater the mass of the prefrontal cortext portion of the brain. This results in a greater tendency to think in terms of ethical universals, rather than unselfconscious pragmatism. So for example, high foreheads are going to be concerned with sophisticated ideals, treating everyone according to fair principles, and self-monitoring to ensure this. Very sloped foreheads will be less self-monitoring in this regard and have much less tendency to employ sophisticated universal ethical reasoning.

Ceteris paribus, a higher forehead means greater brain mass and therefore greater IQ. But of course things are never ceteris paribus. Overall brain volume is what counts for IQ.

This doesn’t mean that high foreheads are better than sloped foreheads. Ethical universals are responsible for lots of social dickishness, maladjustment, and historical evils. Much depends on what sort of universals are adopted. For example, Obama has a high forehead perfect for generating (and believing) hopechange blather, yet is sophist enough to justify simultaneously selling out those principles in order to govern according to elite consensus. Or at least, to not pursue them too far at the expense of the elite consensus.


The high forehead is an adaptation for a larger social group where abstract ethical principles are necessary to maintain social cohesion. The sloped forehead is a more primitive characteristic present in earlier hominids, including earlier Neanderthals. In the case of the Neanderthals, a high forehead and universal ethical facility was unnecessary, since the small tribe allowed cohesion based on lifelong relationships.

If Tex is correct and the Amud Neanderthals’ vertical foreheads have been fraudulently reconstructed as sloped foreheads by mainstream anthropology, this means that right before their extinction Neanderthals had adapted to living in larger social groups.

Adriaa “the forehead” Richards, quadroon diversicop, gets Anony-canned

MartinLindsey-AdriaRichards slider-interview-leo-laporte-adria-richards Photo-Sep-12-4-33-53-PM-printchomp-225x300 4103166265_565e7f2b40_m

A perfect example of high forehead causing trouble is the recent Adriaa Richards Twitter kerfluffle. Tl;dr – diversihire dev evangelist quadroon Twitter feminazi photo shames two nerd devs giggling over an innocuous “dongle” joke, resulting in one being fired. Outrage ensues, Anonymous responds with DDoS on Adriaa’s company,  interrupting service to their clients, and company fires Adriaa (hooray).

Observe the offending nerds. Weedy Thallish fellow on the left was fired.


Adriaa went full feminazi because she’s a true believer and a retarded overentitled negress. Such high priestards have trouble knowing the line, because they so seldom encounter one. Her high forehead allowed her to summon abstract high moral dudgeon over a triviality. Had she possessed a more pragmatic slope, she mightn’t have martyred herself out of a job; but she also wouldn’t have been so good at it in the first place. Even now, her defenders are legion.

In her view, she was “standing up for the future of programming,” “the canary in the coalmine,” and other such universalist nonsense. Brainy beware.

Faith of a Mustard Seed – Koan Update – the Answer to Melon Pride


It’s a bit premature, but I appear to be turning the corner. Found some legit organic free range meat in Shenzhen, finally. I’ve got a cold in the vid, from malnutrition. Interesting that all this time and I’ve only now learned the lesson of defeating melon pride.

Updated koan set:

Fuck it / Float it (bow)
Tongues connect God the Father (slide)
Voidbounded 3 seconds breath
Manifest His Will (Kingdom) (value) (faith)
Thumos (attention) (bored) (through) (feel)

The full koan system is here.

Mindset, hedonic adjustment and PUA – Voice of Eden March 25


Biomechanics made Scalzi a sissy. Whom the gods mock, they first castrate.


If you aren’t aware of l’affaire McRapey, Vox Day has been beating on John Scalzi like he was the probability of Japanese invasion of California. This has attracted even the attention of the mighty Roissy, leading to an entry in the Urban Dictionary. In honor of which, I’ve composed a few lines:

McRapey bequeathed his own title
Now at its use he doth bridle
We can’t figure out what he’s upset about
For he’s king by his own little idol.

A rapist at heart but never in deed,
He lacketh the nuts to enforce his seed
What say we of one with such shriveling sack?
A Scalzied and palsied, derivative hack!

For the sake of science and the new anthropology, let us peel back the jaunty ego of Scalzi’s online persona, and reveal the mewling biomechanics within.

A profile shot of Scalzi’s shaved head. Note the large occipital bun and football shaped head.

football scalzi

Here are some others to round out the picture:

5021250287_f440fc5baf Scalzi Night johnscalzi-wilwheaton ddn071711lifeScalzi_977866a OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA John Scalzi Handsome Guy 220px-John_Scalzi

What we have here is a fat effeminate gamma with a Neanderthal back of head, shallow sockets, big sensitive eyes, and a low testosterone face just this side of heterosexual. I predict a high digit ratio to go with that tenor voice and limp-wristed body language.

Some further video evidence:

His occipital gives him just enough mental juice to pump out popular nerd fantasies, while also providing a strong aversion to hierarchy and dominance, exemplified by Vox Day and patriarchy in general. The shallow sockets give him the self-promotional and political abilities to rise to the top of the SFWA, at the cost of being a slippery dishonest fuck. The low testosteronization fits him comfortably into his role as half-man crusader for r-selected rabbits everywhere.

Recommendation: Eat paleo, take Tongkat Ali, get on steroids and/or TRT, start lifting hardcore, listen to angry music, and join an MMA gym.

Prediction: McRapey will never change. Long live the Gamma Rabbit.


Update: For the trolololz, I posted my poem as a comment on Scalzi’s blog here. He deleted it and substituted this:

[Silly little boy wants to look big and tough to all the other silly little boys -- JS]

This response exemplifies his disdain for all things testosteroney and hierarchical. He ignores the rules of honorable combat, choosing censorship and passive aggressive sniping instead.

Improved explanation of using koans, with examples

Humility, pain, openness, and emotional range

Humility will make you strong


Humility is the slow heartbeat pace of your tongues as you lay in bed, descending gradually into the void of unconsciousness. A prayer to the Ultimate as your finitude winks out.

Humility is the mortification of appetite. Eating a small amount when hungry, not animal gorging. Experiencing women as human beings, not merely outlets for release and dopamine spikes.

Humility is the ability to look into someone’s eyes without delusion or judgment, of self or other. Humility views the world clearly, but leaves judgment to God. Humility is righteousness without self-flagellation or prideful straining adherence.

Humility is peaceful submission to a silly conversation with a girlfriend in need of comfort and connection.

Humility does not dispute distinction or rank. Yet it is neither craven or supplicating; for all are humbled before the Ultimate.

Humility lacks the blinders of entitlement that create dissatisfaction and inefficiency. It begins without imagining the start is too lowly, and improves without impatience or dawdling. It runs when it can run, walks when it can walk, and rests when it must rest.

Humility suffers when pain is here, and lets pain go when it has left. The same with joy. Humility is a peaceful gazing on the face of the Ultimate.

To be humble is to be as small as you are, and no smaller – but we are all small before the Ultimate.

The humble do not live for goals and ambitions, but because they look towards God, and are filled with peace.

The humble are more alive in the moment, because their past and future is at rest.

Humility in business is listening and giving people what they want. Humility in pickup is the attractive strength to connect without shields.

Humility is the heart of Koanic Soul, and comes from the heart, is felt in the heart. With the faith of a mustard seed, the non-resistance of suffering, the heart beats. With the tongues of men and angles, in time to the beat of the heart, the mind speaks and looks to God.

Such a structure can be struck down, or lifted up, and yet remain itself.

A Thal girl tries the koans


Below is my reply to a Thal girl’s questions about how to implement the koans. I won’t post her original email.

I’m usually answering questions from dudes, so this gives me a chance to cover the other side – the traps someone with excess sensitivity falls into.

In her case she was trying too hard to be genuine and connect with people in a deep way, and then getting hurt. My reply:

Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad the koans have helped you.

Re “”soul to soul” connection ”

I think it’s in your sensitive nature to err in this direction. The humility+glossolalia combo I practice as the core of Koanic Soul also creates realism and internal sufficiency. This should permit you to naturally calibrate your openness and connection to the other person. There are also peripheral toughness koans, but they’re less important.

“You can go in with this great intention to really understand and embrace this other person. ”

That is an overlay, a pre-intent, a manipulation, and just as problematic as a PUA’s machiavellian agenda of getting the bang or the insecure male’s agenda of looking cool. You are correct – it will get you hurt.

” it’s the reason I cannot form long lasting friendships with people. ”

The problem seems to be neediness and excess sensitivity, which can be solved by internal sufficiency and pain resilience.

My relationship with God is one of respect, admiration and intent to obey/serve. It is informed by Josh McDowell and aprevistan Kingdom theology, in the Vox Day / Dennis Peacocke style. The glossolalia is a charismatic influence. There is no special component that couldn’t be duplicated by anyone.

I would add that a sufficiently masculine non-Christian concept of the Ultimate would also be serviceable for koanic purposes.

Pain resilience is an excellent defense against excess sensitivity. It’s covered in my “faith of a mustard seed” koan video. Click the link up top: “How to do Koanic Soul“.

Two crazy people talk about Edenism


This fellow Muflax is quite genetically similar to me, although he has a handicap or two that I don’t, and I have one that he doesn’t. Here’s what he thinks about Edenism:

If you haven’t read fellow crazy-person Koanic Soul, I recommend you check him out because he might serve as a hint of what my writing would look like if I wouldn’t take great care to balance my ambiguity, enforce pragmatism and instead trusted my intuition. And didn’t try hard to keep my douchiness in line. (You really don’t want me running on my instincts. But see also the last section of this log for how I always want to write.)

In addition, Koanic has face-read me and typed me as Amud Neanderthal front of the head, Melonhead back, asymmetrical face (notably the eyes, which are a bit o_O), narrow spacing of (somewhat big) eyes with deep sockets, medium testosterone levels, high IQ (due to brain volume). For those not up to speed with the latest phrenology, see Koanic’s site as to what “Amud” and “Melonhead” mean. (I pre-recorded my own prediction how he’d read me, and completely agree, although I was unsure if he’d go with low or ok testosterone. So even if the psychological correlation (or racial causation) isn’t true, it’s at least aconsistent distinction of faces (for this tiny and very biased sample).)

Based on the current interpretation, this would make me strongly introverted, trustworthy, ideological, ambitious in a “die for a cause” but not “rule with an iron fist” way, prone to dissociations, inconsistent in my preference over strict hierarchies and small egalitarian tribes, and sometimes a dick. This is clearly absurd.5

(And apparently I don’t yet ooze heresy. Fools.)

And in a footnote (I love this guy):

Ok, a bit more seriously. I used to do “belief dumps” for crazier stuff, so let’s at least record my current gut-feel of the Neanderthal thing.

  • that autistic / high-IQ introverted traits go back to Neanderthal origins: Totally plausible, but I have no skills in evolutionary biology or anthropology, so I remain agnostic by default.
  • that facial features correlate strongly with psychological traits: Duh.
  • that they correlate in the specific way that Koanic / Cleve talk about: Dunno. It feels right, mostly, but I’ve not thrown any serious thought at it, so I can’t tell which specific correlations are real and which aren’t.
  • that “melonheads” are a thing, i.e. a genetic cluster like autism: More likely than not, yes.
  • that Cleve’s origin story (or anything remotely like it) of melonheads is true: Hell naw. But see below.
  • that Cleve’s inferences about Neanderthal lifestyle are true: Generally yes. Dude’s a crazy genius. If anyone figured it out, it’s him. Seriously.
  • that ancient melonheads had huge freaky skulls and used to run everything: Listen. Years ago, way before the whole Reaction and Manosphere even existed, I already read some of Cleve’s stuff about all kinds of topics. I found him very entertaining, but didn’t believe a word. Thenthis thread happened and it turns out that everything Cleve said was true. Even the really crazy shit. Since then, I have a lot of respect for his crackpottery, and shit, ancient history is hardand the mainstream is crap. So for all I know, he’s completely right. If there’s one crackpot who’ll look utterly ridiculous at first only to be completely vindicated, you know, like RMS and McCarthy, it’s Cleve. Ok, maybe more like Tesla and Newton, but still, don’t underestimate the crazies. (… ok, he’s almost certainly wrong, but he might’ve picked up on an interesting pattern. Dude’s insane, but he’s not stupid. Sometimes.)
  • any of the Christian or supernatural stuff: Not allowed to talk about it.

My thoughts:

“You really don’t want me running on my instincts.”

Yeeep. I have always said I’m innately a dick. Learning humility recently has greatly mitigated this. But the entire koanic process was about this.

Muflax’s socket depth exceeds mine, one of the few people to unambiguously do so. No surprise, he has partially replicated my Cyborganize system, which is a symptom of info-processing obsession.

I think both Cleve and I would agree that the melonhead prehistory is very sketchy and impossible to get right with our information. But as to whether the truth is weirder or more normal than what Cleve’s described, I’m betting weirder.

That thread about Cleve’s credibility is hilarious. Skip ahead and look for the baby face avatar’s posts. Cleve is obsessively honest and very very smart, something like a tested IQ of 170-180 IIRC.

I’ve always taken the position that qualified speculation is gay, but perhaps with my newfound humility I’ll attempt to write in a more credible manner in the future. Ha. Maybe.

Hope and persistence – good or bad?


In response to this:

Fuck hope. Hope is good in that it can allow you to be open to positivity and thus channel that positivity. But hope is also a fucker. Hope is a bunch of expectation that can leave you disappointed and future-focused rather than enjoying the present.

Persistence is the most important trait for anyone to have. To be persistent you need to be resilient. You can’t hit home runs every time you’re up to bat. You’re going to screw up a lot before you get better.

A discussion follows which you can read at the link above.

I would agree and disagree with all sides. Fuck hope, but hope is necessary. Fuck persistence, but persistence is necessary.

It’s a question of psychic foundation. Upon what rock can one build one’s house? If it’s an island, motivation is lost. If it’s fire, it can go out when most needed. If it’s yourself, you failing becomes a massive problem.

I think life is like an ocean. Sometimes you’re in a yacht, or speedboat, riding gloriously and fast. Sometimes you’re in a rowboat, or swimming, or sinking.

You can try to control whether you’re in a boat, swimming, or drowning, but you won’t always succeed. You can try to interpret away the waves, but if the storm is large enough, the ocean will impose its will upon you. And resisting the waves will only mean a capsizing and lungs full of water.

There are two things you need. First, a point on the horizon towards which to fix your eyes, beaming bright in night and day. This gives you a stable perspective unaffected by the rolling of the waves, which will induce nausea. You cannot select a point upon the featureless ocean and steer towards that; you will lose your way, and upon arriving will find it is the same as everywhere else.

Second, you must humbly accept your own suffering, and resolve no matter what to keep your eyes fixed on that horizon point, even if you drown. Accept your limitation, accept that strength may run out, and resolve to swim/sail/speed towards that point anyway while and when strength permits.

This horizon point must be unreachable, because as soon as it gets close, it loses its effectiveness. And it must be inspiring, to inspire in you the ultimate sacrifice and dedication.

For me, the horizon point is the Christian God. For another, it might be whatever concept of the Ultimate they possess.

Whether I am dying or winning, I fix my gaze on that, with the humble knowledge of my inherent limitation. It is a forever distant and inspiring point, and the labor of rowing is the words, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done.”

** Enlightenment ecstasy vs Koanic Soul

Also, an Illuminatus forum user PM’ed me this recommendation to investigate ecstatic meditation of the “no self” school:

Here’s one fragment of a fresh statement, I’ve read just yesterday:

(…)no observer, no commentator, no spectator, no I watching, no self having the experience. ‘I’, was just fully being the experience without a commentary voice because there was no such entity. Then my throat and mouth involuntarily began to twist in an odd way. I began to shake slightly with a steady pleasant vibration. Lovely pulsations began to stream up my back, coursing through it pleasurably. My hands became very hot. This moment of realisation was soon joined by the thought/question; ‘Christ, surely it cannot really be this simple?!’
‘I’ now realised that I had seen through the illusion of self, that there was no self doing or having this experience! I now realised that there was no going back. I laughed out loud and shouted; “Fuck the pope!” (I really have nothing against the guy at all, it was just an expletive of disbelief and head-shaking joy) I was buzzing as though on very nice and very, very mild LSD and was up until after midnight. I woke up still buzzing at five next morning and had a lovely time till that evening. Later, an experience of relational tension had me selfing again for a limited period but I saw it now as being an unreal passing phenomenon, with no place to abide, like a lost Mara looking for a home.
Mad Biker

from here (he had a ‘revelation’ at the end of the third page).

I understand the ecstatic enlightenment phenomena, but I do not seek that in itself. I do not believe it maximizes effective Kingdom performance.

Ecstatic selflessness is merely one component of my meditative system. When using tongues under ideal conditions, one experiences this. However, the state cannot be relied upon. It is inherently dependent on compatible underlying biological states, which I am often not in due to health. And it is vulnerable to stress and difficulty. Moreover, it encourages a passive state.

When I wrote “I need a meditation that knows how to die”, I was implying that I already had it. I believe the koan system offers a proper balance, in which ecstasy is available, but one is not dependent upon it to function.

Review of “A Wardog’s Coin” by Vox Day


This book contains two short stories, “Wardog’s Coin” and “Qalabi Dawn”. It’s well worth buying as an ebook. Spoilers ahead, so just buy it if you trust me.

As an amusing aside, I noticed two fellows from the Edenosphere were featured reviewers in the book’s front-matter. Apparently Neanderthals read books or something.

** Review of “Wardog’s Coin”

Overall, the story was great and stayed with me. The wargaming bones of the battle make it stick in memory with lucid clarity. The elven combat was awesome, the relative combat strengths of the various troops was clear, the warrior morale of the humans was realistic and rousing.

The earthy protagonist is too canny, rational, and doesn’t display enough emotional fog during the pig bombing action sequence. When startled, he should’ve frozen and acted on instinct. The resulting description should’ve been more muddled. You didn’t get enough of the adrenaline feel. Great ending to the chapter though

As usual with Vox, there’s a beautiful Christian confession on the battlefield. He continues his style of masculine and humane respect for Christianity.

** Review of “Qalabi Dawn”

There is only one word for Qalabi Dawn – epic. This is Vox at his greatest. Writing alien demon-cat characters. What does this say about him? Figure it out for yourself.

His early short stories, unforcedly written, drip concentrated brilliance of slow organic work. The allusive episodic style is far superior to the workmanlike elaboration of Wardog’s Coin. Show a little, and a lot is told.

Some people still don’t understand after reading that the three peoples are cheetah, leopard and lion. I confess I don’t fully understand the priesthood, but here’s my guess: sprinkled among the people are shapeshifters who can go either cat or human, and a subset of those are magic users recruited to the priesthood. The default form of the people is bipedal cat demon.

The only marring was the “closing time” at the end, a silly cliche that detracted foolishly from the awesome conclusion.

[spoilers in next paragraph]

Qalabi is mostly about the cat people, and a subtler Christian lesson than Wardog. The Amorran general shows himself true to Christ at the last, though weak. And the cat people are rewarded by fate – or God? – despite their fallenness. But they must earn it through the harshest of cruel discipline. Such is truth, such is life. Two flawed societies meet in a titanic clash, resolved in a single day’s epic battle. Under the right guerrilla conditions, the little guy can win – if he stays humble and ruthless.

[end spoilers]

** How the book should’ve been structured`

I disagree with the ordering of the stories. Qalabi should’ve been first, Wardog second.

The adjusted thematic title would then be:

Cruelty and Christ on the Battlefield
A Contrast of Pagan and Christian Death, Set in the Real World of Selenoth

War, like disease, is a pitiless expression of Lord Bios, against whose harshness the light and darkness of humanity is thrown into relief.

Neanderthal Oneitis: Football Career Fucked, Millions Lost, Suicide Attempted


Before his fall, Adriano Leite Ribeiro was one of the top footballers in the world, making millions and playing for Inter Milan. He was brought down by a woman in 2009, and his career hasn’t recovered.

After his girlfriend Joana Machado broke up with him, Adriano spiraled into depression. He failed to show up in Italy to honor his Inter Milan contract, thus forfeiting his €400,000 monthly pay for the championship. Ouch.

What was Adriano’s mistake? He was a TT Neanderthal and dated the wrong girl. Sensitivity is a bitch.

Read the rest at Excavating Eden.

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