Humility is the slow heartbeat pace of your tongues as you lay in bed, descending gradually into the void of unconsciousness. A prayer to the Ultimate as your finitude winks out.
Humility is the mortification of appetite. Eating a small amount when hungry, not animal gorging. Experiencing women as human beings, not merely outlets for release and dopamine spikes.
Humility is the ability to look into someone’s eyes without delusion or judgment, of self or other. Humility views the world clearly, but leaves judgment to God. Humility is righteousness without self-flagellation or prideful straining adherence.
Humility is peaceful submission to a silly conversation with a girlfriend in need of comfort and connection.
Humility does not dispute distinction or rank. Yet it is neither craven or supplicating; for all are humbled before the Ultimate.
Humility lacks the blinders of entitlement that create dissatisfaction and inefficiency. It begins without imagining the start is too lowly, and improves without impatience or dawdling. It runs when it can run, walks when it can walk, and rests when it must rest.
Humility suffers when pain is here, and lets pain go when it has left. The same with joy. Humility is a peaceful gazing on the face of the Ultimate.
To be humble is to be as small as you are, and no smaller – but we are all small before the Ultimate.
The humble do not live for goals and ambitions, but because they look towards God, and are filled with peace.
The humble are more alive in the moment, because their past and future is at rest.
Humility in business is listening and giving people what they want. Humility in pickup is the attractive strength to connect without shields.
Humility is the heart of Koanic Soul, and comes from the heart, is felt in the heart. With the faith of a mustard seed, the non-resistance of suffering, the heart beats. With the tongues of men and angles, in time to the beat of the heart, the mind speaks and looks to God.
Such a structure can be struck down, or lifted up, and yet remain itself.