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Boar raped Bonobo = First Human: The Horrifying Implications


All Human Racial Traits ~ Local Ape Traits. “Racist” & imago Dei dead. Edenism Refactored.

** Introduction

We found macroevolution. It’s cross-species rape. A lucky hybrid results; she breeds back into one of her parent species over several generations; boom, viable independent new species.

Genes from the one-off parent are undetectable, but tons of anatomical features remain. Morphological similarity is the only way to identify the one-off parent.

This is problematic for Old Testament literalists, but it’s great news for Edenism. We have moved from the fringe to the center, boys. This is why you diversify your intellectual holdings!

Evidentiary center, that is. We still have to wait for the current crop of fossils to die. Odd that anthropology advances by burials, not excavations. Perhaps they should change funding accordingly. I kid, I kid! The grad students would do it gratis – in keeping with professional ethics.

This puts a new wrinkle on Hakuna Mattata. Bear, boy and pig… Manbearpig! Only he can stop Al Gore.

Seriously, though. I want werewolves. Next time, the monkey gets raped by a wolf.

This post will not prove macroevolution by hybridization. If you wish to verify this truth before proceeding, peruse Dr. Eugene McCarthy’s magisterial and exhausting Macroevolution.net. (Set aside a day or three.) If you are able to suspend disbelief, and wish to skip straight to the gory implications, press on!

One last note. Writing this post severely tested my commitment to truth. This information shattered huge sections of my worldview. There were multiple moments when I felt like holding my head to prevent it from splitting apart. I repeatedly experienced something like physical pain as cherished notions were stripped away, and pretty lies fundamental to my faith laid bare.

This post may break the world. It may destroy “racism” as an epithet. It may shatter the imago Dei.

In the words of Handsome Boy Modeling School: “You can’t hide from the truth, because the truth is all there is.”

** Dumbing Down Darwin

We frequently observe speciation via hybridization, and never via gradualism. The entire fossil record shows an absence of gradual change, and rather abrupt change followed by stability – “saltation”. So why hasn’t hybrid macroevolution always been the dominant theory? Why do gradualists even now turn to the absurd oxymoron of punctuated equilibrium, rather than a known mechanism?

Because Darwin hated God.

“As a result of studying the writings of the theologian Sumner (1824: 20), Darwin had come to the conclusion that all natural things evolve gradually from their precursors, while discontinuities, such as sudden saltations, are indicative of a supernatural origin, that is, indicative of intervention by the creator. All of his life Darwin took great pains to reconstruct a gradual evolution of phenomena that at first sight seemed clearly the result of sudden origins.”

“sometime in his Cambridge years, 1827–30, Darwin took cognizance of the proposition that in order to show something is of natural origin it must be shown that it evolved gradually from its precursors, otherwise its origins are supernatural. This formulation of the choices open to rational men remained a leitmotif throughout his life.”

Intimidated by the ignorance of a theologian, Darwin spent his life rationalizing away the clear evidence of saltation that was until then accepted by biologists. And an ignorant world championed his idea, not because his theory fit the facts, but because it fit the political mood of anti-Christianity sweeping the West. Yet this idea – “natura non facit saltatum” – is literally medieval! As the Scholastics debated thousands of angels dancing on pinheads, so Darwin detailed thousandths of inches dancing on bird beaks.

Darwin rejected Linnaeus’ theory of hybrid evolution. He was too focused on defeating God to notice the actual mechanism of speciation – even though, since he wrote about it, it was right in front of his beak.

In the Scopes trial, two pigchimps debated the anthropological significance of a molar that turned out to be a pig’s – and even after this discovery, no one was the wiser.

Sense persisted for a time. Darwin did not prevail over the level-headed saltationists until the abrupt cataclysmic death of God in the 1940s heralded a new ideological age, in which groupthink ruled, and has ruled, until the Internet began to crack its deathgrip in the 2000s.

“As Darwin’s most eloquent proponent, T. H. Huxley, once said, “Every great truth begins as heresy and ends as superstition.”

Thus, anyone who wears a Darwin t-shirt is proclaiming himself to be anti-Christian, profoundly stupid, and of poor taste in beards.


Clearly, Tolstoy had the better beard. Not even the same species.

*** A Tale of Two McCarthies

If atheists hadn’t been so cowardly as to fear to say, “I don’t know,” they would have resisted grasping an obviously false theory, and come much more quickly to the truth. But hatred of God necessarily robs the masses of truth, for the two are the same in man’s heart. Thus it now takes a man of exceptional courage and honesty (McCarthy) to set the record straight, and still science scoffs, arrogantly secure in its coward’s legacy.

What is it with guys named Eugene McCarthy and heterodox truth? The former was right about American Communism, the latter about Darwinism. Both managed to promote a truth unacceptable to either side. For even the conservative masses of red-blooded Americans could not accept that their entire elite was captured by the far left, as indeed it was. The two men even look strikingly similar! I guess this is the face of a man too stupid to shut up.

A quick Google search shows the second faring no better than the first. Another point in favor of species invariance.

160x212xeugene-m-mccarthy-160-212-7.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Yz4T6SHGLi mccarthy

*** Pride in an Open Mind

I take it as a point of pride that, despite my full Christianity, I have treated macroevolution honestly.

I first learned the Creationist anti-gradualism critique by advocating it. Then I questioned my too-facile conclusion. While I lacked the domain expertise to arrive at hybrid theory, I did believe some missing natural mechanism could explain punctuated equilibrium – perhaps magnetic reversals and solar cycles, which could vary the rate of evolution while invalidating radiocarbon dating assumptions. I had barely read three pages of McCarthy’s voluminous site before perceiving that he had finally cracked the universe wide open. It was so easy – littoral ape and many of the other facts already jumbled around in my head. All I needed was to hear the suggestion, and it all clicked.

For Foucault’s sake, all you have to do is LOOK at all that naked pink flesh, and it’s clear. A porn addict should’ve come up with this. But here we perhaps strike too closely to the peccadilloes of a great man. Let us give a partial credit to PornHub, and say no more.

fat sow poem

Fat Sow, Piggy Lust; Rut Must, Suckle Bust.

The sons of the gods, slaking interstellar blue balls, had good taste.

Wouldn’t it be funny if hybrid macroevolution wound up proving the timeline of all those idiot Young Earth Creationists correct? Truly, the last shall be first. Fortunately, this can’t happen because plate tectonics. Fingers crossed.

*** Vox Day Was Right(ish)

While we are on the subject of laudable skepticism, it is fair to note that Vox Day has predicted that genetics would destroy TENS – the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. He is partially correct in the narrow interpretation of this prediction – microevolution and macroevolution are now separate, contra Darwin:

There is “a line between ordinary (intrachromoset) meiotic recombination and stabilization processes involving chromosomal mutations ” Source

One wonders whether Vox meant Creationism would reign, or that some alternate natural mechanism would be found. Was this a cloaked reference to the hybrid revolution in advance? It seems not, for it was not a geneticist who destroyed TENS, but an expert in hybrid classification, who (still!) lacks the genetic sequencing equipment to verify his own predictions.

*** Genetic Possibility Tree – Self Congratulation

The dominant constraint in macroevolution turns out not to be environmental match, but reproductive viability (non-infertility), which is dictated by the random chance of karyotypic homozygosity match. As I had suspected and elaborated in debates with Vox, the genetic possibility space is the unseen bottleneck! I had stated that such theoretical bottlenecks could transform gradualist evolution into a step function, and that is exactly what it does. These bottlenecks occur both in the difficulty of forming the original hybrid, and in its subsequent difficulty in establishing an independent breeding population.

Nature is a blindfolded skeet-shooter with a belt-fed shotgun and an acute sense of hearing.

Why acute sense of hearing? Because hybrids arise between species whose ranges overlap – thus both already match the ecosystem. Why shotgun? Indiscriminately-aimed cock full of billions of gonad pellets…

I had argued that the impossibility of calculating the genetic possibility space topology meant that the statistical likelihood of gradualist evolution could never be tested via computer modeling. It would seem that God agrees, for even His solution to the problem relies on brute-force computing on real-world ecosystem hardware – possibly a universe full of them.

** Genetic Counter-intuitivity of Hybridization

How can a hybrid retain its one-off parent’s morphology without retaining its DNA? If we’re half pig, why is our DNA 98% chimp?

The actual science is eye-crossingly complex and explained elsewhere. I will give you the easy version.

Imagine Paul Herbert’s “Dune” fucks Mohammed’s “Koran”. They have a baby that’s half Koran, half Dune.

The protagonist of this new book (The Korune) is Mohammed Muad Dib. He’s an Atreides who starts a cult and kills the evil HarkoJews on the planet DuneRabia. He forbids the drinking of Spice and rides a CamelWorm. The Navigator Gabriel takes him on a rocket to the moon. You get the picture.

Now the Korune backcrosses with the Koran. (Backcrossing means breeding back into a parent species.) What happens?

Well, half the pages are searching for matches that aren’t there. So they just grab words and phrases from the Koran that are SIMILAR to the desired passages from Dune. We get something like this:

The protagonist of this new book (The Korune) is Mohammed Sand Mouse. He’s a Kind-Muslim with white skin and blue eyes who starts a cult and kills the evil HarboJews in the land of DuneRabia. He forbids the drinking of intoxicating cinammon and rides a CamelSnake. The Angel Gabriel takes him on a pillar of fire to the moon.

Thus the gist of the Korune is preserved, even as the book eventually becomes almost completely composed of words and phrases from the Koran. Why can we do this? Because:
1. The Koran and Dune are similar stories (pigs and chimps are both mammals)
2. Both books are written in a common language and share many words in common (chimps and pigs have vast genetic similarity)

Hence humans are 98% chimp yet definitely don’t look it. Our methods of genetic analysis are essentially like doing statistical analysis on a book, rather than reading it with intelligent comprehension. We compare phrases and vocabulary – nucleotide sequences. We are not yet advanced enough to divine the meaning of larger semantic blocks. To us, the Korune looks the same as the Koran.

Thus when an extraterrestrial race one-off hybridizes with us, over generations of backcrossing those genes get replaced with human equivalents, and no remarkably non-Earthlike DNA remains. The few ET sequences that are left just pass as odd-but-human. They walk among us, invisible.

This process, nature’s speciation shotgun, is very scattershot. How many hybrid crosses of the Koran and Dune would actually result in something viable, much less popular? So it makes sense that human anthropology is full of mediocre dead-end pig-chimp crosses, before modern humans finally arrive to dominate the scene. Gorillas with their tiny modern range are just one of the few failed competitors still extant.

McCarthy points out that with the death of Darwinian gradualism, environment and competition are no longer king. The inherent, unchanging nature of the organism becomes primary. Thus it is now possible to conceive of an Eden – a well-designed garden of harmony. Clearly, competition continues in the interconnected web of life that hybrid macroevolution implies. However, the unchanging nature of the organism is now shaper rather than shapee. Man is more (or less) than the sum of Malthusian competition. He is Man.

The possibility space of genetics, particularly the transition pathways of hybridization, become the dominant constraint. Which makes genetic diversity all the more precious, and explains the interstellar harvest thereof.

** Hybrid Mechanics

Some of the wild stuff in hybrid theory is buried in the backmatter. I’ll do you a favor and bring it front and center:

Even bacteria hydridize “sexually” via conjugation and engulfment, meaning Earth may have only initially needed the cosmic panspermia seeding to eventually form all of life. Source

Moreover, rare single mutations can much more easily propagate if species lines are blurred.

“Thus, with the sorts of processes posited in the theory, there is an unlimited potential to increase the number of stable forms of life. For example, two forms might hybridize to produce a third stable form, say an allopolyploid. Thousands of examples of this are known. This new, third type might go on to hybridize with some fourth form to produce a fifth form via recombinational stabilization. The fifth might produce on its own, a sixth, autopolyploid form. Obviously, such mechanisms can go on creating an ever-increasing number of forms, ad infinitum.”

Life is a network:

“It is my hope there will at last be an end to the interminable disputes over whether this group or that one is truly a “species.” I can foresee that our children will look back on our discussions of such issues and fail to understand our concerns. They will accept that geographically and morphologically intermediate hybrid populations connect many distinct types of organisms.”

The big finish:

“We can picture similarity sets evolving over time into new similarity sets, networks replacing networks.”

*** Dinosaurs = Not Extinct

“These observations suggest that paleontologists have created an artificial distinction by classifying Mesozoic “ankylosaurs” as reptiles and post-Mesozoic armadillos as mammals.”

  • Stegosaurus ~ pangolin. Tail spikes were claws; plates were attached to skin, not spine.
  • Pterosaurs are the bat precursor.
  • Whales didn’t evolve from ungulates; they hybridized from dino-whales: mosasaurs.
  • Plesiosaurs were seals.

Placental mammals date back to the early Jurassic; clear mammal fossils are simply not classified as such due to gradualist convention. Thus many supposed reptilian dinosaurs are actually mammalian megafauna. However, mammal vs. reptile is itself a fuzzy distinction with many exceptions.

Plate tectonics destroys gradualist evolution, which must invent fancies of long-distance swimming or convergent evolution to maintain its supposed common-descent timeline.

“Perhaps the most remarkable conclusion reached in this section is that the famed “extinction of the dinosaurs” appears in large part to be a matter of mistaken classification.” Ouch!

** Landraces, explained

An understanding of landraces as subsets of genus Homo is assumed for this section. Summary: Everything from Heidelbergensis to Floriensis is human. Distinctions between species, sub-species and race are arbitrary. Racial competition, interbreeding and coexistence have continued for a very long time. The eradication of North American Native Americans, Australoids and San Bushmen are only the most recent examples of the competitive IQ trend.

The question we consider in this section is whether the same hybridization model that explains the origin point of humanity also explains the differentiation of the landraces of genus Homo.

The answer? Yes. Investigating local ape species, we find a startling correspondence between simian sociology and that of the area’s original human landrace. This congruence is so open, so obvious, that it is shocking nobody has noticed it before now. All one needs is Google (to find the relevant species’ name) and Wikipedia (to read the species’ main entry).

Here is the summary:

  • Neanderthal = Barbary Macaque
  • Cro Magnon = Hamadryad Baboon
  • Bantu African = Gorilla
  • San African = ?
  • East Asian = Tibetan Macaque
  • SE Asia and Australoid = Orangutan?
  • Starchild = Gibbon?

I will discuss this evidence in detail in the next section. For now, I want to establish the limits of what we’re trying to prove.

*** A Modest, Messy Proposal

Are we missing pieces of the puzzle? Absolutely. Even a layman could improve my work with a little extra Google and Wikipedia. I’ve done just enough to verify to my own satisfaction that this phenomenon is real; after that I focused on publishing. I’m not an expert on comparative primatology or evolutionary anthropology. There is plenty of room to grow.

Also, we are not talking about distance from apes. We are talking about flavor of ape. I doubt that all human races are equidistant from their hybrid parents. But we are unlikely to see that study done in the current PC climate.

Lastly, we should not assume that these similarities are due to a single hybridization event + crossback series of the type posited for the original chimp + pig = human. It’s more likely that the history gets messy and stays messy until people start wearing clothes complicated enough that the apes can’t figure out how to get a dick through them. (And maybe even after that: Dayak – Orangutan rape still goes both ways.) However, we also can’t rule out that some or all of these similarities are due to deliberate evolutionary engineering, whether high tech (splicing) or low tech (bestiality cult).


Figure 8.1 shows an example of web hybridization among upland game birds. The “tree” of life is a fucking mess.


“For example, the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) has been reported to hybridize with about 60 other waterfowl treated as species. More realistically, then, one can posit a similarity set, a set of forms in which all members are connected to at least one other member by the potential to hybridize. In such a set, a favorable trait would be able to spread to an increasing number of set members over time.”


Interestingly, the Old Testament, which itself appears to be a direct outgrowth of Hamadryad Baboon sociology, demands that both human bestialist AND the animal participant be put to death. Perhaps to ensure no pregnancy results? Speciation is prehistory’s nuclear weapon.

This sordid past suggests that a willingness to cross species lines is a universal minority trait in nature – that hybrid sex is nature’s speciation shotgun. Suddenly, centaurs, minotaurs, satyrs, pig-men, bigfoot, werewolves, vampires and all the rest seem disturbingly less fanciful.

Onwards to the proof!

*** Locking Gazes with the Beast Within

As we have stated, humans are differentiated into landraces with sociological traits congruent to the local ape population.

However, before preceding to landrace differences, let’s establish humanity’s common ground.

*** Chimp & Bonobo ~ Human

Humanity comes from a common bonobo-chimpanzee stock. The chimpanzee side has actually been slightly polluted by interbreeding with gorillas and humans.

Infertility is the hybrid’s hallmark. The modern chimp has .2% sperm abnormality; the bonobo has none. The bonobo is the original chimp, separated by the croc-infested Congo river from human contamination. (Chimpanzees swim like rocks.)

“It may be also that various hominid types each arose via a separate cross between pig and chimpanzee.” Source

The contrast between chimp and bonobo sociology illuminates a split in human nature.

Chimp is K-selected humanity; bonobo is r-selected ape. Humanity can exhibit either pattern, depending on whether environmental triggers signal abundance or hardship. E.g. patriarchal chimps make war and oppress women; peaceful matriarchal bonobos are universally promiscuous, up to and including adult males having sex with infants.

From the chimp wiki:

“The alpha male regularly displays by puffing his normally slim coat up to increase view size and charge to seem as threatening and as powerful as possible; this behavior serves to intimidate other members and thereby maintain power and authority, and it may be fundamental to the alpha male’s holding on to his status. Lower-ranking chimpanzees will show respect by submissively gesturing in body language or reaching out their hands while grunting. Female chimpanzees will show deference to the alpha male by presenting their hindquarters.”

“Dominant females will also ally to dominate lower-ranking females: whereas males mainly seek dominant status for its associated mating privileges and sometimes violent domination of subordinates, females seek dominant status to acquire resources such as food, as high-ranking females often have first access to them. Both genders acquire dominant status to improve social standing within a group.”

“Community female acceptance is necessary for alpha male status; females must ensure that their group visits places that supply them with enough food. A group of dominant females will sometimes oust an alpha male which is not to their preference and back another male, in whom they see potential for leading the group as a successful alpha male.”

Chimps also arguably engage in prostitution, e.g. indirectly exchanging sex for meat. Babes dig hunters. We saw on Season 2 of Bear Gryll’s “The Island” how the insecure alpha male tried to force unprofitable glory hunting expeditions to cement his tribal status. Nothing has changed.

*** Pig ~ Human

Macroevolution.net has a much more extensive list of similarities between pigs and humans. Our list is merely intended to be suggestive, and is sourced purely from the Wikipedia page. It is given for reference, since we will be using the same quick Wiki method to evaluate the similarity of human racial groups to apes.

From the Wiki:

“Pigs are omnivores and are highly social and intelligent animals.”

“a long snout which is strengthened by a special prenasal bone and by a disk of cartilage at the tip.”

“Occasionally, captive mother pigs may savage their own piglets, often if they become severely stressed.”

“The wild pig (Sus scrofa) can take advantage of any forage resources. Therefore, it can live in virtually any productive habitat that can provide enough water to sustain large mammals such as pigs.”

“Older pigs will consume three to five gallons of water per day.”

“Accidental or deliberate releases of pigs into countries or environments where they are an alien species have caused extensive environmental change. Their omnivorous diet, aggressive behaviour, and their feeding method of rooting in the ground all combine to severely alter ecosystems unused to pigs. ”

“Pigs can harbour a range of parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to humans. ”

“Pigs have small lungs in relation to their body size and are thus more susceptible than other domesticated animals to fatal bronchitis and pneumonia.”

“Pigs can be aggressive in defending themselves and their young. Pig-induced injuries are thus not unusual in areas where pigs are raised or where they form part of the wild or feral fauna.”

Those are some pretty clear human ~ piggy paralells, eh? Now let’s cheat and see what Dr. McCarthy rooted up.

**** Additional Porcine Portents


Animals are into bestiality, duh. They are ridiculously enthusiastic about inter-species amory, and quite capable of imprinting on the wrong species altogether if raised so by accident.

Hoever, unmentioned on Wikipedia is the indiscriminate extreme sexual aggression of the wild boar. Thus the first cross was a male boar raping a female bonobo. As we have seen, female bonobos are the most notorious sluts in the animal kingdom.

“When threatened, chimpanzee females often attempt to appease the aggressor by crouching down and presenting their genitals.” Source

Also, doing it the other way is physically impossible without major human intervention. Pigs can’t raise primates; bonobo cock is too small, etc.

So that’s how it happened. Interspecies rape at tusk-point. Very romantic.


This means that humanity’s aggressive, warlike male comes from the killer wild hog. That is why chimps are patriarchal and make war. In pigs, the normally solitary alpha male takes over a female sounder and mates all the females during rut, taking huge amounts of battle damage from competing males in the process. Pig tusk + ape club and thrown rock = modern war. Smite your foe, hip and thigh. (How pigs gore humans.)

***** Positive Piggy Points

It’s not all bad. You might be a pig if are/have…
1. A nightowl. Apes sleep at sundown.
2. A swimmer. Apes (and blacks, gorillas) sink.
3. Alcoholic. Apes drink in moderation.
4. Bronchitis or heart attacks
5. Morbidly obese.
6. Fastidious and naturally housetrained; apes don’t bathe and shit everywhere.

Deaf children develop permanent mental handicaps if not exposed to written or spoken speech early enough. Thus the birth of human intelligence was the combination of pig vocal cords with chimpanzee, to produce a voicebox capable of speech. Source

Pigs form strong, deep attachments, even to separation-anxiety death. Pigs cry, chimps don’t. Chimps don’t form deep attachments outside the mother-infant period. Even romantic courtship is a brief, casual affair.

Cryptic estrus is pig, not primate. Year-round sex is the foundation of pair bonding and thus family.

We owe lengthy sex and female orgasm to the pig. Humans are intermediate on both between pigs and bonobos. Oh for the stamina of an hog!

The female human breast is due to the interplay of sow and chimp breast structures. For this alone, the experiment was worth it.


Did we mention the hammy rump? So necessary.


*** Modern Homo Sapiens = Rhesus Sweep

Why the trend from robust Cro Magnon to gracile, puny modern human? It’s r selection in action. Rhesus Macaque social nature + Neanderthal intelligence + projectile weaponry = resource abundance. That extends from hunter gatherer to squat farmer to city poodle.

The Rh D+ allele has almost swept to fixation. Here are the Rh D- holdouts:

| Basque people | 21–36% |
| other Europeans | 16% |
| Native Americans | approx 1% |
| African descent | less 1% |
| Asian descent | less 1% |

Basques have resisted longest due to Neanderthal blood incompatibility with Rh+.

Rh+ has most likely swept due to the advantage of increased tribe size conferred by Rhesus DNA. Bonobo groups vary, up to 20+. Sus Scrofa sounders are typically 6-20, but range up to 100+. Rhesus Macaques have huge troops, 20-200.

Rhesus are cosmopolitan, in the low sense – they are city bums, trash feeders. An alpha male harem king runs the group, much like a welfare park. It appears that the human race is 80%+ Rhesus-influenced.

Whether this hybridization was accidental, or the dastardly plot of some mythical Enki, seeking penance for his errors with the Neanderthal Enkidu by making a more tractable Lulu, we can never know. Certainly the result is something more akin to a serf, subject to central control. And certainly the Rhesus, by hanging around human settlements, would have made itself an obvious candidate for low-tech crossbreeding.

Yet it is also true that the ability to bring more troops to bear than the other tribe is a decisive factor in prehistoric combat. So perhaps this is all unfortunate coincidence.

“Rh disease is mathematically related to the frequency of D negative individuals in a population, so Rh disease is rare in old-stock populations of Africa and the eastern half of Asia, and the Indigenous peoples of Oceania and the Americas, but more common in other genetic groups, most especially Western Europeans, but also other West Eurasians, and to a lesser degree, native Siberians, as well as those of mixed-race with a significant or dominant descent from those (e.g. the vast majority of Latin Americans and Central Asians).” Source

These are the only holdouts against the Rhesus tide.

*** Non-San Black African ~ Gorilla

Let’s kick off the racial offensive with blacks and gorillas. No sense pussyfooting about. Contain your outrage until you’ve read the section on whites. It is our firm belief that after we publish this post, every race, religion and ideology on Earth will be furious with us, except possibly zoophiles. We have chosen our allies poorly. As the enthusiastic Edmund said: “Take a number. My card is full.” Or, in the words of my new only friends: “Baah means baah.”

From the Wiki:


Always be suspicious about statements of genetic similarity, since it can be measured in different ways. To be meaningful, the same measurement should be used to compare relative distance of many x’s to one y.

So we ignore the claim that human-gorilla distance is between 95-99%. This information is not stated in a meaningful form. Furthermore, a one-off gorilla hybridization would be just as genetically undetectable as a one-off pig hybridization, yet morphologically profound.

The statement that gorillas are #2 or #3 closest animal is meaningful; the exact number depends on whether you consider bonobos and chimps separate.

“Despite the chimpanzees being the closest extant relatives of humans, 15% of the human genome was found to be more like that of the gorilla.”

This sentence on Wikipedia is especially suggestive of hybridization: “Human gene sequences differ only 1.6% on average from the sequences of corresponding gorilla genes, but there is further difference in how many copies each gene has.” Gene dosage is what a hybridization event with human crossback would change.

Likewise, Gorilla sperm infertility suggests hybridization.

Unfortunately we don’t have racial breakouts to test whether Bantu are indeed closer to gorillas than Europeans. Good luck getting that grant.

Gorillas are type O blood (sort of), which has 70-90% distribution in Africa.


Lastly, gorillas originated AIDS. (Low blow? By blow. They’re STILL fucking.)

“Western lowland gorillas (G. g. gorilla) are believed to be one of the zoonotic origins of HIV/AIDS. The SIVgor Simian immunodeficiency virus that infects them is similar to a certain strain of HIV-1.”


The gorilla and human share genetic and morphological similarities that chimpanzees and humans do not. This ties the gradualist common descent from single ancestor theory in knots. The orthodox desperately spin unconvincing myths about convergent evolution or conserved traits.

However, the hybridist simply points out that human intermixture with both occurred, and that furthermore gorillas and humans share a common parent – the pig. Albeit two separate hybridization events thereof. The gorilla traits that distinguish it from a chimpanzee are also present in the giant forest hog “Hylochoerus”, not Sus Scrofula. Moreover, the gorilla received a different shotgun of piggy traits than humans, which fortunately did not include the trademark human vascularly-cooled superbrain. Otherwise, King Kong would be building skyscrapers rather than climbing them.

Gorilla alpha male sociology is mirrored by the forest hog, but not by bonobos. Hybrid chimps have alpha males but they are not solo like gorillas – evidence of a weaker piggy influence.

Evidence of chimp hybridization with gorillas further supports the black hypothesis. It’s a four-way party: blacks, Sus scrofula, gorillas, and chimps.

Intermediates between chimps and gorillas continue to exist to this day. We see no such intermediates between humans and chimps. Those have long been wiped out due to shared ecological niche competition – they now form the “anthropological record”. This process is ongoing today, from the near-extinction of North American Indians to the Aborigines of Australia to the San Bushmen of Africa. At best, Cain stands on Abel; at worst, he dines on him.


The gorilla’s natural habitat is the tropical and subtropical forests of sub-Saharan Africa. So is the black man’s, more or less. It is illustrative that expansion of Bantu into (non-Black) San Bushman arid territory is only just now completing thanks to borehole wells, despite the 15 point IQ difference. Africans become increasingly sparse as one goes north in North America or Europe.

Because forests destroy bones, paleontological evidence on gorillas is virtually nil. Hence the plausibility of Bigfoot – which may be North America’s Panda. This is particularly true if Bigfoot, unlike the gorilla, buries its dead. If it was smart enough to avoid the Indians, it’s smart enough to avoid the white man.


Gorillas’ mode of locomotion is “knuckle walking”. That “knuckle walker” is a racially-charged contemporary insult is no coincidence. Often in the locker room a fast-maturing black youth is referred to as a “silverback”.

Gorilla sociology is troops of usually one alpha male and females. Alpha male polygamy fits black alpha social dynamics. Infanticide happens without alpha male protection; black incidence of child abuse is higher than e.g. white or East Asian. Aggression occurs between the alpha male and females – e.g. Chris Brown and Rihanna. Females fight each other for alpha male access. Black chicks fight each other a lot. Male bonds are weak – black male friendship is cooler and looser than white analogues. This results in much black eye-rolling and smh in cross-racial friendships at goofy white overtures.

“Males in all-male groups, though, tend to have friendly interactions and socialize through play, grooming, and staying together,[33] and occasionally they even engage in homosexual interactions.” This could easily describe either blacks or gorillas.

“Males can be fertile before reaching adulthood.” The shockingly early fathers tend to be black.

Infant care is strictly female – fits. “Male gorillas are not active in caring for the young, but they do play a role in socializing them to other youngsters.” Also fits.

Alpha males sometimes fight to the death – fits. Conflict is preceded by a stereotyped ritual charge – fits.

“The entire sequence has nine steps: (1) progressively quickening hooting, (2) symbolic feeding, (3) rising bipedally, (4) throwing vegetation, (5) chest-beating with cupped hands, (6) one leg kick, (7) sideways running, two-legged to four-legged, (8) slapping and tearing vegetation, and (9) thumping the ground with palms to end display.” Source

The behavior is called “chimping out”, a near misnomer.

To be fair, other races exhibit this behavior to a lesser extent. There’s plenty of simian and boar heritage to go around.


Stereotypes exist because of the majority. However, they are only that. African villagers under harsh K-selected conditions can be quite civil, restrained and upstanding. All humanity contains the potential for both.

Not convinced yet? That’s fine. I wasn’t either by this first example. The shock and awe will start to build when the trend of fuzzy sociological fit continues with other ape ~ human racial groups.

Basically, all I expect you to say right now is, “Huh, that’s vaguely suggestive. [Lists million problems to self, maintains skepticism.]” Also, author is a racist dick.

Of course, if I’m right, it’s no more racist than saying the Minotaur was half-bull(shit). Hmm, was he though? Pasiphae and a three foot penis. But with a suitable wooden buffer… Stop!

*** Southeast Asians & Australoids ~ Orangutans

Orangutans proposition men and rape women, so they’re worth a look. (Modern clothes help; wear pants.) A quick search reveals the rape goes both ways – Dayaks use Orangs as longhouse sex slaves.

Conclusion: I have too little exposure to SE Asians to know what sociological tells I’m looking for. Certainly doesn’t seem like a great match.

Still, given the rape, it seems pretty certain interbreeding occurred at SOME point. Purely on looks, maybe there’s some Orang flavoring there. There’s a similar quality in the eyes and muzzle and coloring.

dayak bald dayak orang dayak balian unnamed

Call this one a draw.

*** East Asian ~ Tibetan Macaque

Next, Tibetan Macaques, who range over China. I lived in China for a decade, and I REALLY see a correspondence. The Tibetan Macaques’ social strategy of perpetual bitchy minor conflict is SO LIKE the Chinese social style. The Western concepts of “don’t sweat the small stuff,” “split things evenly,” and “show justice” just does not apply there. Particularly outside kin groups. You are expected to fight about every little thing, every time. And that’s how the Macaques are. Their group size ranges up to 40-50, roughly double bonobos. Bigger group size fits East Asia. Lastly, the males are such betas they help raise kids without being the father. It fits.

It’s not just me. A lot of expat business guys check out because they can’t stand the low-grade, senseless conflict. Sure China got wrecked by the Cultural Revolution, but you see a quite different style of dysfunction in neighboring Russia. They did a study on it. Americans start just and punish tit for tat; Chinese start unjust and tit for tat to cooperation; Russians bull-headedly spiral conflict to prisoner’s dilemma hell.

(Someone help me find the link; I’m drowning in chaff and paywalls here. Anyway the phenomenon is real.)

This monkey is already a clear winner because its sociology diverges so strongly from the upcoming Barbary Macaque and Hamadryad Baboon, in a way that explains the key difference between European and East Asian behavior.

However, the Barbary and Tibetan are both Macaques, so their appearance is quite similar. Also, the Tibetan climate is colder, and thus Tibetans are more heavily furred than their European cousins, concealing their features to some degree. I feel some Asiatic features are distinguishable after closer examination, but much of the racial difference may come from the extinct Denisovians.

I will simply post the photos as an exercise for the reader.





Tibetan Macaque on Emei Shan

Tibetan Macaque on Emei Shan







Bonus opportunity – repeat my method on the Japanese snow ape, and see whether any uniquely Japanese characteristics are highlighted! (This requires familiarity with both Japan and China, which I don’t possess.) Just from looking at it, I think I can see the source of the difference between Japanese and Chinese faces. And the emphasis on male seniority is certainly suggestive.

*** Neanderthal ~ Barbary Ape

We’re starting to get some traction. 2/3 strong hits. This next one will blow the lid off. This is where I started really believing.

To give some evidence that I Did Not Cheat, these were my thoughts at this point:

“Human global racial differences ~ global ape species differences. That means all of them. So… what’s the white ape?? If East Asians have an ape, white people have an ape. An extra ape, besides the pig and the chimp. Or are we lily white because we got away unpolluted? Was there an ape in Europe?”

(Clearly I wasn’t making much sense. Why would a chimpanzee descendant be white? In my defense, I was rattled.)

The nearest ape I could find to Europe is the Barbary Ape, barely hanging on by a toehold in Gibraltar. I went in with very low expectations. Surely the relevant ape is extinct, and this one is irrelevant.

Nope. Check the video.

Here is my exact reaction on first viewing:

“No way. The Barbary Ape looks white. No way… I swear these are white people monkeys! There’s a bizarre congruence between the blond people in the video and the blond pale-skinned monkeys in the background!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH. I see the fucking Matrix! Noooooooo.”

Take a moment, White Nationalists. I know I needed one. It only gets worse from here.

Before we proceed, notice the details of morphological similarity. The face is vertically longer, like a Neanderthal. The muzzle seems less pronounced (partly an optical illusion, but it’s still small for a baboon). There’s a vestige of a ROMAN NOSE. I look at that face and recognize something like kin. It’s the family dog, but closer. I could never hunt these things. They look like the “good” apes in the Planet of the Apes.

barbapetwo barbary macaque

A facial study of a juvenile barbary macaque at the viewpoint on the rock of gibraltar

A facial study of a juvenile barbary macaque at the viewpoint on the rock of gibraltar

barbary-macaque_img01-l  bm

Barbary macaque looking away in annoyance, Gibraltar, UK.

Barbary macaque looking away in annoyance, Gibraltar, UK.

WSP-Barbary-Ape-7_2-1 images planetapes bugout planet-apes1 Zira-planet-of-the-apes-spot-10449734-246-300

The Barbary Macaque technically isn’t an “ape”, but that didn’t stop the Rhesus Macaque from passing Rh+ to damn near the whole world.

Let’s read the Wiki entry to complete our mental breakdown.

**** Neanderthal ~ Barbary Macaque Sociology

10-100 group size, matriarchal. Bigger than expected, but Tex says Thal tribe size ranges from 12-80. Mostly on the small side in the frozen wasteland, I’d imagine. Eskimos aren’t known for cities.

Barbary Macaques (BMs) seem altruistic – they groom others to reduce their own stress levels, but aren’t affected by receiving same attention. Ever seen a Neanderthal try to run away from his own award ceremony? Now you have.


“Because of uncertain paternity, males are integral to raising all infants. Generally, Barbary macaques of all ages and sexes contribute in alloparental care of young.”

This is exactly what Tex has always said about matriarchal Neanderthals. At this point I began to suspect he extrapolated all his Neanderthal theories from the BM. So I asked. He said he never made the connection.

We are in uncharted waters.

Females sexually select males who exhibit strong indiscriminate parenting behavior. This is straight Tex – aeons of Neanderthal women selecting for the perfectly pro-social male.

Males bond peacefully by interacting primarily whilst caring over infants. These are baboons. For them, it’s an incomprehensible altruism level.

Taking care of infants is reserved for high status females. So infant care is just high status, period. That is just so bizarre, and yet precisely congruent with Neanderthal sociology.

Tex also said that Neanderthals practiced “slight” paternal uncertainty to encourage universal male parenting. This generated rancor among partial Thals, myself included. But it was quite believable about the full TTs. Now we discover he was soft-peddling a much harder truth. BM females are sluts, and often mate with most of the males in the group!

Males don’t mate guard. They’re too busy moving on to the next girl. Injuries appear on males during mating season, but nobody sees it happen. That means open conflict is frowned upon. Dueling would certainly hurt your baby-handling cred.


One problem – BMs are only about 30 lbs at best. So how did interspecies sex happen?

Well, the fossil record shows quite a bit of size variation between Stegosaurus and armodillo. The BM and Thal probably share an ancestor. That still makes it a hybrid event.

Or maybe somebody fucked a little baboon. These guys seem pretty indiscriminate, yet non-rapey. I imagine it was voluntary. Baboons are hard to catch.

Sus Scrofa and BM overlap, but I reject a multiple origin hypothesis. The shotgun of piggy traits is too random. Plus, Neanderthals still have chimp DNA. But clearly, Thals missed the Rhesus injection.

So we have two waves of “humanity” – first out of Africa, then out of the Asian Rhesus range. The latter getting almost, but not quite, everyone.

There’s one more problem. Europe is no longer Neanderthal. Who was the second white man? Cro Magnon was a patriarchal rapist, a conquerer, a Prophet of the desert. We have Boudica, now where’s Abraham…

Stop reading this. Seriously. Your mind will break.

If you are a Christian, stop reading RIGHT NOW.

“When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent” – KJV

I didn’t lose my faith. If you do, that’s on you. So will I testify against you on Judgment Day. You’ve been warned. Christus Rex.

*** Cro Magnon ~ Hamadryas Baboon

Nestled in the southernmost corner of the Arabian Peninsula, we find the Hamadryas Baboon, the second closest ape to Europe. What are the odds of finding not one, but TWO white apes so close?

Just looking at the picture, the Hamadryas Baboon’s snout looks Dobermanesque and boxy, like the Cro Magnon. A Cro Magnon is basically a boxy, neotonous baboon.









male-hamadryas-baboon-20852400 2512691655_6c06e2bd3f_b 285lg hamadryas 2920303316_fb6fbc088a

Hamadryas baboon portrait {Papio hamadryas}

Hamadryas baboon portrait {Papio hamadryas}


The “sides” of the square around the eyes are the periorbital sockets.

Edenism has identified protruding periorbital sockets as a key anti-social indicator. This is unsurprising now, giving the savagery of its source. Compare to the periorbital sockets of the Barbary Macaque, which fade away, allowing wide peripheral vision.

Not sure what protruding periorbital sockets means? Here’s what you’re looking for:

periorbital sockets guanche_fig1 cro-magnon cmbw hierrofernandobwfcprofile2004n

And here it is again, in a Google image search for “mugshots”. Yuk.

Now we know that Cro Mag was already white when he stepped into Thal territory, just like the Hamadryas Baboon is white. Whatever else he got from Neanderthal gang rape, he didn’t get that. This agrees with the latest genetic study – Cro Magnon (CM) is independently white.

There’s nothing else to say. This is where Cro Magnon came from. Now let’s find out just what kind of monster was set loose by this genetic experiment gone bad.

**** HB / CM Sociology

Does this Middle Eastern prophecy ring a bell?

“Now Ishmael was a wild ass of a man; his hand was against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him.”

Let’s ask the Wiki, per usual. No cheating.

HBs exhibit a tiered caste system. These guys are exactly the soldier zombie robots Tex talked about. Harems, check. Very patriarchal, Yahweh would approve. Abrahamic religion and polygamy. Extended familial patriarchal clannishness. Strong tribalism – nobody leaves the tribe. No outbreeding. Sounds Arab, doesn’t it?

HUGE tribe sizes, to facilitate inter-tribal warfare. It’s a bit fuzzy because they can federate, but looks like the average raiding party is larger than the BMs’ by a ratio of 2:1 at least. And that completes Tex’s myth: Neanderthals overwhelmed by zombie hordes.

The HB strength is patriarchal alliances – bands federating into troops. Chimps invented war, but HBs invented armies.

Alpha male at the top, of course. Violent mate guarding. Muslims love to whack a hoe. HBs exhibit strong sexual dimorphism, more so than BM’s. I wonder whether this translates to human analogue somehow. Little drab party girls who like beefy psychopaths. Hell, comparing psychopaths to baboons is an insult to psychopaths. We’re gonna need a whole new vocabulary.

Look at this pic. It’s so… white trash. The beefy insecure hair-trigger dudes, the small dumpy woman with the thousand mile stare… wow.


ALL female hierarchy is repressed, except loyalty to the harem lord. Sounds like the hijab.

Infant care? Fuhgeddaboudit. No women’s work for these guys. Chauvinist to the core.

They even have terrorist/suicide bombers – the lower status males who try to lure infants into piggy-back rides to death by dehydration. Makes sense – they’re certainly not the father.

This pic too, the vibe is just WRONG:


I’m patriarchal in principle. But clearly not in style. Go back and look at the Barbary Macaque pics – if anything, they look sweeter and more comical when they’re angry. These guys look like roid gasoline vapor when they’re sitting around the hearth.

Enough of these guys.

**** How Did It Happen?

This is history’s biggest whodunit. Who killed the Neanderthal, and why?

Tex has claimed that no natural process could create the Cro Mag. He is wrong. Hybridization is a natural process.

Clearly, speciation is the nuke of pre-history. That still begs the question: Was this particular nuke aimed?


Egyptian mythology revered the Hamadryas Baboon in myriad ways, including as the god Thoth. They kept them as pets. Its virility was admired, and its feces was used as an aphrodisiac. The probability that no sacred bestiality ever occurred is nil. These are people who sacrificed entire households for perpetual servitude in the afterlife. Squeamish and impious are not adjectives appropriate to the Egyptian death cult.


Melonheads have been running Egypt for a long, long time. They notice these Neanderthals getting smarter, starting to organize. All attempts to coopt fail; Neanderthals are notoriously resistant to hierarchy. A decision is made; a literal god unleashed.

Guess what Thoth is god of? Science. Low-tech genetic engineering.

The nuke backfires. The melons lose control. An ancient empire collapses forever into dust, its royal line miscegenated into oblivion.

(More or less.)

Meanwhile, the Cro Mags, ever the avid harem collectors, don’t quite follow instructions re extermination. A spark ignites in Europe – war and tech unite. And Europe conquers the world.

In this light, the Abrahamic ban on bestiality – execution for both animal and man – looks very much like an arms treaty. Never again.

No wonder bestiality is taboo. It wipes out whole species. And no wonder it appeals – it permits one to sire new ones. This is sick, sick.

At this point, anyone familiar with the founding myths of Edenism should be a believer. Those uninitiated will be more skeptical. Frankly, we can’t be bothered to catch you up. Just know that Tex was right.

**** Why Did Nobody Notice?

How can something this obvious go undetected for so long? It’s right there on Wikipedia. At first I couldn’t figure out why the racists weren’t already all over this.

Then I realized the evidentiary clincher is in the WHITE section. Not many White Nationalists poking around for their own monkey ancestors. They’re too busy flinging feces at the blacks. Heh.

Sorry guys. You’re not that special.

Moving on, there’s one more esoteric wrinkle left to address.

*** Starchildren ~ Gibbon?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, skip this section. Go read the Starchild skull site and accompanying debunkings. Once again, can’t be bothered.

For those who wish to proceed, know that we are operating on the assumption that the Starchild (SC) skull is a 50/50 first-generation alien-human hybrid achieved via artificial technological means. The ET race is unknown, but named Chaos based on psychprint analysis of human SC descendants. These hybrids appear to be the rare accidental leftovers of an ancient hybridization program – pregnancies that missed their pickup date. They are thus present in far fewer numbers than Melonheads. Search for “Chaos” and “Starchild” on this site to learn more.

The purpose of this hybridization program will become clear later in this post.

Because the SC is clearly extra-terrestrial, it is highly unlikely that we will find an Earth ape analog. Nevertheless, I decided to look. This taxed my skills to the limit, as I am no expert on primatology, and had no geographic range to narrow my search. Discount accordingly.

On the other hand, Earth apes may be seeded from other planets, so ET may not mean wholly other. We proceed.

What, if anything, did Chaos fuck?

After semi-exhaustive search, I arrived at the gibbon.

The social style matches. Troupes exist but are small – bonded breeding pair plus young. SCs are mid-size group specialists. The tribe-size expansion can be explained by bonobo and rhesus admixture.

Gibbons exhibit social monogamy without sexual monogamy. The first Starchild was found with a dead wife who buried him and apparently suicided afterwards. Modern SCs have major problems with traditional marriage concepts, but don’t grind one night stands either. (Unless they’re using hypnotic mind powers. Serious.)

The combat style matches – memetic warfare rather than physical. Singers are individually identifiable, yet they sing in duets or more. (Community rewriting precursor.)

Plus – deformed hands reported on the Starchild skeleton! Gibbons have very weird hands and wrists, for swinging on trees. The difference would be obvious to anyone, even the Mestizo peasant girl who found the skeleton. “Grey aliens” are also typically depicted with weird hands.

And of course, neotonous facial shape matches SC head shape. Not that this means much.

gibbon gibbon_2317792c gibbon2 gibbon3 gibbon4 Gibbon-10_1429120i Gibbon-12_1429116i Gibbon-Rehabilitation-Project-TH2

White-handed gibbon portrait {Hylobates lar} Khao Yai NP, Thailand

White-handed gibbon portrait {Hylobates lar} Khao Yai NP, Thailand

White-bearded-gibbon-with-a-bornean-gibbon-at-a-rehabilitation-sanctuary maxresdefault



picture-steve-pavlina-091221-2 steve_pavlina gibbon1

Does this mean SCs are fully Earthlike? Probably not. But I think they’ve got a taste of gibbon, one way or another.

There are no gibbons in South America. But I didn’t expect that anyway. SCs have an apparently global sparse distribution.

To be honest, I think the gibbon is similar to some other ape living on whatever (possibly destroyed) planet spawned Chaos.

And on that freaky note, we conclude the section on ape ~ landrace congruence.

*** Wrapping It Up

We scored on black ~ gorilla, but it’s too offensive to count. Tibetan Macaque ~ East Asian was suggestive. SE Asian ~ Orangutan was inconclusive. More info on missing link Denisovians would help there. The white race is what blew the doors off – Cro Magnon and Neanderthal laid bare at last. Let’s just pretend the Starchild thing didn’t happen.

Overall, the correspondence is just too much. The beauty of hybrid theory is its ability to embrace conflicting gradualist perspectives. Both the multiple origin AND the single origin hypotheses are correct. One pigonobo, yes. But after we spread out, We Didn’t Stop Fucking The Local Monkeys!


Maybe the monkeys have psychic powers, and their brainwaves entrain the local humans to imitate their social customs. Maybe their hypnotic beauty passively persuades humans to emulate their ways. OR MAYBE WE’RE JUST FUCKING MONKEYS.

If you’re not convinced now, you won’t be. Go read Macroevolution.net and come back in 10 years. What follows is all implications.

** Each According To Kind

“God created the animals, each according to its kind.” This has been the staple of the Creationists, contra Darwinian gradualists. Now we find that hybrid theory embraces “kinds”, and rejects obsession over the definition of species. What both sides missed is that kinds hybridize to create new kinds. God is a watchmaker, but he uses a quantum clock. He enjoys a good surprise as much as the next fellow!

Ironically, Darwin was snowblown by Scholastic Creationist rhetoric over the perfection of design to environment, and missed that it’s rather organisms which select the environment to which they’re best suited – or are selected out of environments they’re not, with no ability to adapt outside a narrow range.

In fact, hybrid macroevolution is NECESSARY to sound Creationism. Otherwise, God created an order that would inevitably wind down to death through accidental extinctions resulting in irretrievable loss of genetic diversity. He would have designed a system with no robustness. There is now no contradiction between macroevolution and “each according to its kind”.

** A Loss of Innocence

Charlotte’s Web, Curious George, Animal Farm, bacon – these are things we will never quite be able to look in the eye again. Vast sections of childhood have been sullied by one image – millenia of monkies furiously rutting anything from nerf footballs to their own infants, until finally, one day, lovely Eve steps forth into the world… and presents for the alpha bonobo.

Eve? Miss Piggy. What tits! Hard to say whether subsequent backcross generations were any improvement. Let us be thankful that curtain is veiled.

Not for long. I guarantee monkey-semen / human-mother hybridization trials in China within 30 years. Government will quickly realize the benefits of backcrossed hybrids for making minor tweaks to human and ape nature alike.

Human female bestiality trials have not yet been conducted, and that is how human hybridization would have to work, because human male sperm is notoriously weak from over-hybridization.

Soon we will face the wrongest answer to the wrongest question that Nature ever cruelly posed. 133 years after Darwin, she can still rip open our ribcage. Oh for the aeonic safety of gradualism! Science shall march forward on the legs of little girls, bellies swollen with abomination. We’re on a schedule here; don’t fret about her long term condition; she’s just a transitional. I forget, is it your turn or mine? Hey little girl, want a banana?

Those who wish to explore this vein in imaginative detail should head over to Dr. Eugene McCarthy’s Amazon page and try out his speculative fiction. The man is a publishing powerhouse. Save some glory for the rest of us, fella. You are supposed to accumulate obscure rejected monographs, die, then wait 50 years. The monkey hivemind doesn’t like cheaters.

** Why Come to Earth?

This section presupposes knowledge that Sheldon is wrong and the Big Bang didn’t happen. (You know he’s a gay actor, not a scientist, right?)

Here’s a test of your sci-fi prowess: Assuming no FTL drive or Krypton-style planetary extinction, and excluding colonization, what is the only reason a starfaring race would actually fare the stars?

No. Can make it at home. No. Computer simulations are quicker. No. Just send a message by freaking lasergram.

Give up?

Genetic diversity. The one problem even God couldn’t solve without scratch paper.

That’s the special draw of the third rock from Sol. It’s a 5.972 × 10^24 kg supercomputer running genetic permutations for free, forever.

Sounds like something worth visiting every 500 million years or so. Why stick around? A watched pot never boils.

(Hey look at that timeline. Are we due for a visit?)

Earth is a genetic diversity farm in the eternal universe. We are like Luke Skywalker, stuck out at the windtrap, ass-end of the universe, where nothing ever happens… until one day, it does.

A particularly clever ear of corn may figure out what’s up. Why the straight rows, guys?

We know that the biological eras of Earth are more like internetworked webs of overlapping kinds, sometimes separated by continental drift.

Well, the eternal universe is the same thing, except on a much, much larger scale. And when the trade caravan finally shows up, it’s sex party time.

Distance and time are no problem. They’re a feature, not a bug. Travel the stars collecting genetic diversity, seeding and reseeding. Arrive, hybridize, seed, depart. Repeat.

Panspermia on the stellar wind. An eternal static universe. Rich untapped nodes springing up all the time. Whoah.

We haven’t even considered the role of hypothetical (actual, for Christians) transdimensional beings in all this. They’re not just farming flesh, they’re farming souls.

Unfortunately, the universe is not a nice place. Otherwise they would’ve talked to us by now. Prey and predator keep silent for the same reason. It’s a tense sniper war… and we’ve been shouting our idiot heads off since the invention of the radio in 1901.

Fortunately, we sound stupid and vulnerable, so they’ll be coming to harvest, not annihilate. Sometimes it’s good to be a slave.

*** Alien Intentions

What exactly will they do when they get here?

Well, we already know, because they’ve already come. The Melonheads seem to be the type to get their hands dirty. They enjoy being in charge. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

When a god shows up on a new life-filled planet, he isn’t genetically compatible with the locals. Far from being a problem, this is a speciation opportunity. And species, remember, are nukes.

“The reader might correctly suppose the large differences between some types of organisms prevent the production of hybrids. This is indeed the case. However, such gaps may have been bridged in former times by extinct (stable and discrete) intermediate forms, so that hybridizing forms would be less disparate.” Source

This explains how ETs step-function approach human compatibility. The first few steps might be artificial splices. UFO probe session, anyone? Imagine the wild tales a bagged and tagged wildcat would tell his fellow felines. What would kitty skeptics make of a radio collar? Smells cat. Is cat.

So the gods hybridize with the locals. And I assume they do it both ways. One hybrid backcrosses with the god race, the other with the slave race. Like a zeedonk versus a donkzee.

The golave is the the mouthpiece, and the slaod is the administrator.

Obviously we don’t have any DNA samples from golaves. I assume they don’t spend much time planetside, being DNA incompatible and all. They’re busy hanging out in god harems. The closest we have to them is the 50/50 original SC skull.

But we’ve got loads of Melon slaod skulls. They’re the monolith culture pumpkin skulls currently handwaved as “headbinders”. Headbinding doesn’t increase skull bone mass, buddy.

We call the undiluted slaods arch-Melons, to distinguish from their modern miscegenated equivalents. And we’ve got a few accidental SC slaod descendants knocking around too.

The SC slaods are interesting because they strongly suggest the existence of golaves. Our one 50/50 SC skull was an accidentally/intentionally abandoned male. Male hybrids are usually infertile, and he was the product of an artificial cross, which means gender was deliberate. So why make a male? Because males produce WAY more gametes than females. And if you’re using artificial means, average gamete fertility no longer matters. Total fertile gametes is what counts. So this guy was meant to be taken back aboard for further artificial breeding, NOT to be left on Earth.

Why’d they leave him? Accident, war… or maybe mercy. He was apparently deformed, so maybe they left him to live out a happy, sterile life on Earth. On the off-chance he managed to reproduce, that’s also a win for them. Bet they never expected he’d wind up preserved in a mineshaft.

Thus, even if you dismiss all the other accounts of Grey abduction and tinkering (I don’t think any particular one stands up to scrutiny), this physical evidence indicates Chaos golave activity.

*** A New Program?

Anyhow. The originals, ur-Melons and Chaos, are long gone… for now.

But so far that’s what they’ve come to do: double speciate, rule, and collect samples. Will it be different this time? Were the natives supposed to escape the technological reservation? Given a silent universe, it sure doesn’t seem like it.

Perhaps the noble Melons will feel obligated to run things for us, to alleviate our obvious incompetence. In which case, we can expect a world techno-cult government centered in Jerusalem, a false Christ that appears brilliantly in the East… hey, that sounds familiar!

And why wouldn’t they want to take over? Earth is ripe. Humans have begun reversing genetic diversity via mass extinction. Industrial mass brings creature comforts. It’s time for the next phase of empire – cosmic gas station, naval port, fleet dockyard, infantry barracks.

Chaos seems more modest in the scope of its ambitions. Like France in the New World, it is content to exploit without leaving a vulnerable footprint. Melons seem to possess the numerical and naval advantage. But France was mighty effective at the disruption game for a long time; this might explain the current ur-Melon absence. It’s hard to set up a colony when you don’t own the coast.

The Neanderthal might be a victim of Chaos proxy conflict. Chaos seems awfully friendly with them. Is this just a repeat of France + Native Americans? That ended poorly.

Lastly, this explains why Melons wouldn’t just directly seed Earth with their own lifeforms and colonize. The opportunity for genetic diversity is too valuable to waste. You can mine any planet; only a few will support life. We are looking at a cosmos of massively multiply convergent and interwebbed macroevolution. This makes intervention in Earth’s anthropological history all the more likely; why not help things along? Time is money, especially when measured in millions of years! Midwifing an auspicious hybridization isn’t even cheating; there’s no loss of potential genetic diversity whatsoever.

** A Condensed Hybrid Genealogy

Presenting the genealogy of the landraces of Earth’s genus Homo, with some extra-terrestrial intervention:

FBonobo back Mboar => Lucy = K selected archaic

Translation: Agency or cause unknown. Female Bonobo fucked male boar. Hybrid females backcrossed with chimps. Result is “Lucy”. Generally speaking, we know the sex because hybrid males are less fertile. The following entries use a similar style.

Enki = ur-Boskop gods (gracile, hugeocc)
MEnki FLucy back => Rh- & EA Neanderthals slaods 800+kya = Enkidu

Enki, at Humbaba’s behest
MRhesus FLucy back => Rh+ Saps = Lulu = r selected humanity

MEnki FSaps back => Boskops slaod

Humbaba = ur-Conehead gods
MHumbaba FSaps back => Conehead slaods

(Chaos interferes? Plays Neanderthals against Humbaba’s line?)

MHamadryas-Baboon FSaps back => Cro Mag 60kya

Cro Mag
MCro FNeanderthal back => Amud

Cro Mag genocides Neanderthals 60-40kya
Humbaba vanishes.
?Conehead ?Saps back => Melons
?Boskop ?Rhesus-African => Afro-Melons? date unknown

Chaos = ur-SC gods
MChaos FSap back => Starchild
MChaos back FSap => arch-SC goave (speculative)

2015 -> Neanderthal internet awakening

Date of next ET genetic diversity harvest / seeding:
Unknown. 114 years since first radio squawk; over-under is 36 years.

** Biblical reconciliation

Herein I attempt to reconcile the hybrid macroevolution with Genesis 1. Instead, I arrive at something so horrifically poisonous that even I shrink from it.

*** The Curse of Eve was Baked into the Cross

Human childbirth is difficult because of the narrow pelvis. Pigs have a small pelvis and little piglets. Apes have a large pelvis and large infants. Humans have a medium pelvis and large infants. Ouch.

“Schultz (495.06,429) states that “In the macaque and gorilla, as well as in the other monkeys and apes examined for these conditions, there is no fixed, bony structure opposite the pubic bones, as exists in man in the form of the lower part of the sacrum. In the former, therefore, the sacrum interferes not nearly so much with the passage of the fetus to be born, as in the latter.” The obstruction of the birth canal by the sacrum in human beings reflects the shortness of the human pelvis in comparison with the simian. This shortening can be accounted for by the fact that pigs have a very short pelvis. A small pelvic opening does not interfere with parturition in swine because their newborns are relatively small in comparison with those of primates.” Source

This seems to be a clear, direct contradiction of the Genesis account that difficulty in childbirth is a consequence of original sin.

However, orgasmic childbirth may provide a counterpoint. This practice depends on a nurturing, stressless, hypnotic environment. It is conceivable that God’s curse and banishment from Eden created the environmental stressors that make childbirth a typically agonizing process.

Thus Genesis, badly tattered, manages to hang on. Still, it seems likely that Genesis records the creation of Man, not man. In other words, it is the creation of the coneheads, not Lucy. For the coneheads had dominion over all nature, and to this day they rarely earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, despite their miscegenating devolution. Passing a conehead infant certainly looks painful! Moreover, the temptation of the serpent acquires additional meaning.

We also find a possible explanation for the removal of Adam’s rib – pigs have a large gap between ribs and pelvis, whereas apes do not.

Why did God need to cross pigs with chimps to make man in the first place? Because a big brain requires the superior porcine cutaneous cooling system. It is like the transition from air-cooled to water-cooled machine-gun. The inefficiency tradeoff of this rough hybridization can be seen in the absurd quantities of runoff water humans waste laboring in heat – the sweat of his brow! Truly we were made to walk in the cool of the Garden with God.

Thus the creation story of the Genesis is that of a cosmic gardener seeding Earth with life in a series of gapped passes – “days”. Culminating in the hybridization of himself with Lucy to create Man – the conehead – made in the “image of God”. In this context, “let there be light” appears to refer to the de-souping of the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, “dust of the Earth” signifies a rather chauvinistic disregard for the lower IQ races, i.e. everyone alive today. God, it seems, is an elitist.

*** Pre-Fall Eden = …Narnia?

It also means that the pre-Fall Garden of Eden is not some anti-scientific howler. If the kinds are arranged in harmonious interplay, then Nature “red in tooth and claw” ceases to exist. The kinds are stable. Competition is inter-kind, not inter-individual. Intra-kind variation is limited. The Garden can resist entropy forever, particularly with the active intervention of its caretakers.

Waaaiiiit a minute!! I just had a horrifying flash of insight. Everyone says that the two Trees are a sexual metaphor. But what kind? A new-old possibility suggests itself most strongly.

Begin with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. For we can examine the real world for evidence of its action, whereas its twin is unavailable. What in the real world is suggestive? What causes death and the end of Adam’s dominion?

Answer: The seed of the serpent. What if the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (TKGE) was hybrid sex with the serpent, the fairest of all the animals in the Garden? What if the serpent’s descendants now rule the human race? What if Satan entered the serpent to direct the hybrid process, to ensure the shotgun scattered accurately? The serpent tempted Eve, and then Adam – male and female serpents existed. Thus God rightfully cursed the serpent, that it would never again breed with Man. Thus Cain is the child of the serpent.

And what of the Tree of Eternal Life (TEL)? We must follow this analogy to its logical conclusion, however strongly I dislike and reject it. If the trees were literal fruit, why not take a bite from the TEL first? Therefore they were not fruit. The TEL sounds like hybrid sex with the angelic or Elohim race. Such a union might indeed live forever. A union between serpent and the divine could never be permitted, as God stated. Hence banishment from Eden.

The disturbing implication of this was that God was a-OK with Man bestiality-hybridizing every single other animal in the Garden. Which… = Narnia. Mind. Blown. Is it horrifying or awesome? I can’t tell anymore. Lucy and Tumnus. Tea and tearing. More childhood ruined forever. How many more of these are left??? I CHANGED MY MIND, I WANT THE BLUE PILL!

*** Jesus at least makes sense

Mary’s virgin birth becomes straightforward in light of hybrid macroevolution. The Holy Spirit “overshadowed” her. Sounds like a genetic engineering intervention to me, technical virginity due to an unperforated hymen notwithstanding. Anything that can walk through walls after death is not human. Jesus is the promised “Tree of Life”, the perfected Adam. Let’s hope he’s coming for our souls and not just our DNA diversity!

*** Zoom Out to Universe – Redemptive Version

In the eternal universe, panspermia wafts gently on the celestrial breeze, a grim reminder of ancient defeat. Landraces jostle for power across galaxies, a mute game of battleship. On a quiet agricultural backwater, a similar struggle plays out between the cut-rate gene-crop natives, albeit with far less consciousness and competency.

Parents gone, the children have managed to invent rudimentary tech. Naturally, they commenced squawking their vulnerability and location to all 41253 square degrees.

Nature abhors a noisy vacuum. The bullet is already on its way. Who will pluck the ripe plum of this forgotten genetic goldmine? Reports favor Lucere, with Chaos a stalking horse. We won’t know till they get there, folks – interstellar travel ain’t flashy.

Readers of fairy tales suggest it’s all a trap. Someone’s got a hunting blind nearby – and we’re the bait. He plans to grab the best samples AND blow away the opposition. Devious, if true! We all know who we’re talking about, so let’s just hope he’s mellowed since Mars.

** Edenic implications

All that Bible stuff is depressing, so let’s end on a cheery note. Safe space; no ice ages or nuclear winters allowed.

*** The MT Lives! Long Live the Warrior!

“Altruism: Male baboons will sacrifice their lives to kill leopards preying on their group.” Source

This explains the MT Pyramid Guard archetype – Barbary Macaque selflessness plus Hamadryad Baboon hierarchical aggression seeks to resolve itself in leopard-combat martyrdom.

Stabilization theory is deeply pro-altruistic. Individual competition does not give rise to species; kinds arise fully-formed and then engage in inter-kind competition. Altruism was baked into the algorithm of macroevolution by God. Racial consciousness is genetic interest. Viva Altrugenics!

This means that the MT can be considered a real kind – if it separates into a stable breeding population. For a bastard like me, that’s good news. However, it still may be impossible due genetic configuration – MT parents may be equally likely to have TM children, despite any period of isolated selection.

Is this likely? I don’t think so. It should be possible to eliminate e.g. occipital genes, and obtain a stable hybrid subvariant population. If you can do it with orchids, you can do it with people. Hybrid variability occurs due to karyotypic variability; Neanderthal-Sapiens crosses are long-since stabilized.

The dream is real. Awesome.

*** Oil and Water? No: Stepped Shades of Paint

Tex’s chauvinism that Neanderthal traits are holographic and indestructible is largely false. Instead, we find the existence of any number of stepped intermediate forms: MT, TM, any number of unnamed subdivisions thereof. The interplay of hybrids is a messy, uncanny zone. Nature’s solution is to form separate breeding populations; that should be ours also. Humanity is perhaps Nature’s messiest hybrid. In fixing Man, we are doing God’s work.

We are like those chimpanzillas, stuck between gorilla and chimp, aliens to the sociological culture of both. To find home, we must separate and form our own stable breeding populations. This is what the Threshgorithm (our next forum iteration’s structural algorithm) accomplishes. It cuts the Gordian knot in the only way possible.

Ultimately, there are two layers of granularity – karyotype and gene. All modern humans share the same karyotype. This eliminates species-level granularity. Any remaining granularity is due to the topology of gene viability and the inter-compatibility space. While this granularity is non-zero, I think it is too fine to be practical for use as the demarcation line for social segregation. Instead, we must pragmatically segregate based on psych-print, thereby focusing only on those genes that impact sociology.

For example, to date we have only one man on our forum who might reasonably approximate Tex’s archetype; this is too thin to form a separate breeding population. Progressively updated anthropometric morphs buttressed by psychometric correlates will gradually reveal subtypes as the numbers become available to populate them. The algorithm thus takes care of itself as the forum grows. In essence, we have added a deliberate technological layer to Nature’s dumb hybridization, perhaps replicating the guided hybridization projects of elder low-tech genetic engineers.

The Neanderthal longs for Home… and he will find it.

Once, Hamadryads captured Barbaries, and enslaved them. Who could’ve guessed that the Thal front would do the same to the Hamadryas back? Speciation is nukes.

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