Voluntary eugenic non-breeding is something I only hear from high-IQ Thallish dysfunctioning males.
Take it from a 15% non-white Ashkenazi. We didn’t get our superdominant IQ by 600 years of high IQ men voluntarily dead-ending.
We got there by taking a hostile, us-vs-them, no-holds-barred attitude towards the brawl of life, being legally restricted to only business or finance, and ruthlessly going for cash while fucking our wives sans contraceptives.
Let the wives worry about looks and health. The Ashkenazi accepted a slew of nasty recessive malfunctions to drive that all-important IQ upwards. In this, they merely mirror humanity’s dominance over the rest of the animal kingdom.
Shall the Jew nose replace the Roman? Unless you are sacrificing your progeny for some massive group benefit, e.g. pro-racial martyrdom or civilizational genius, babies are your mission.
It is all the more important in these times of miscegenation and anti-eugenic welfare-state-inverted IQ drain that high-IQ white males hold the line. Arguably, specializing as a civilizational genius during this period is actually a NEGATIVE, since it extends the Indian Summer during which miscegenation blooms. Better be a bankster and accelerate the collapse to K realism.
You are the outbred west-of-Hajnal-line altruistic Western European white man. You are the only just altruist that has ever existed on the face of the Earth, or ever will. As far as I am concerned, you either hold the line or history ceases to matter. For history is the tale of noble men, not the endless gyrations of barbarians or the sadistic maneuvers of psychopathic conformist clans.
If you seek an eugenic winnowing, impose on yourself the Ashkenazi handicap and code, and dominate.
If free noble men cannot install the will to power in themselves by philosophy, Nature will replace them with ignoble men who lack the choice.
Where is the tribe that rejected you, Walkabout? Dare you substitute your own judgment for Winter’s wrath? She is the icy finger of the Maker; it is Hers to strike down and lift up. What have you wrought, that compares with Her works? Bow down.
I know the soul programming that tells you, “Die”. And I’ll ever stand against it, for it is Lie. Take this in the spirit meant: Love.
(Nobody tell Joe Rogan about Pharaonic skull elongation. That is some serious weed-powered racial memory.)