The mystery of ever increasing fatigue is solved. A combination of fat malabsorption/intolerance and user error dropped my vitamin A and D to undetectably low levels. I’d repeatedly tried to supplement them in the past but always backed off after adverse reactions. After receiving the blood test results, this time I simply endured the initial extreme unpleasantness, and am now well on the way to recovery. I’ve just jury-rigged a treadmill desk and am back to work.
Thus (pending further testing) it appears a minimal complete daily diet is:
5 quarter sized dry-pack scallops,
1-1.5 lbs organic chicken breast,
2-3 cups of unenriched Asian white rice, and
a fingernail of fermented cod liver oil / butter oil blend in the morning.
During downtime, I watched Life Below Zero, skipping the Sue and Glenn parts and focusing on the Thallish (widespace) Erik Salitan. Work should be as close as possible to Erik’s lifestyle of hunting, perhaps minus the isolation. That is what man is meant to do – hunt and recreate. Agriculture ruined everything – see Cain and Abel, or medieval aristocrats vs. peasants, or the aspirations of the modern location independent vs. cubicle farmers.
How to simulate? A treadmill desk helps quite a bit. After that, I think it’s mindset. Measure your financial progress in days of subsistence meat purchasable, instead of meaningless dollars. Take the attitude of the subsistence hunter, rather than perfectionism or duty – a patient persistence, enjoyment of the process, and acceptance of loss and failure as part of the inevitable nature of hunting.
Sadly, however, unless one actually buries oneself in the Alaskan wilderness, one must encounter the odious consequences of population density – other people. I think Vox has the proper solution here – a mask of civility. Start nothing but finish everything. Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. I call civility a mask because it fits over the absolute honesty of the Thal. The mask is removed for intimacy or war. How big to cut the eye holes is up to you