Will you please let me sleep.
Part 2 of the previous post is wrong. The largest conceivable infinity (LCI) is not a contradiction. LCI + 1 = ??? is a contradiction, but it’s the “+ 1″ part that’s the error, not the LCI.
However, Part 1 holds. Ens realissimum plays on two meanings of “real”: realm-real and ontological content real (RR and OCR).
The max conceivable RR (MCRR) is limited to the set of really existing things. Unicorns are out. God is out if he doesn’t exist.
The max conceivable OCR (MCORR) is not realm-bound. Elves are in.
Thus God necessarily exists in Imaginarium, but not in Realitarium. Because RR != OCR.
Thus, all atheist fiction is illogical, but the fiction of atheism is not.