The slip: right and left brain hemispheres de-sync. triggered by ingenopathic pain susceptibility and deepsock left-brain overactivity. solution: corpus callosum meditation.
The undertow: gradual hollowing of core emotional wellbeing. triggers: overwork, ingenopathic pain susceptibility. solution: psychological shielding via outgrouping, background socioemotional stimulation while working, reduce negative social interactions, koans to reinforce basic belonging and security.
Overhead overload: meditative system too complex. Result: ineffective at creating desired state, doesn’t work at lower energy states, or takes me out of the moment. triggers: overly verbose, intense or incongruent koanic systems. solutions: streamline text and use symbols.
Work ethic gorilla: conscience pitches a fit during any leisure or downtime, ruining rest and recovery. solution: code R ‘n R directly into core, always-on koan setup. An alternate, guilt-free mode to the rest of the core.
Deepsock scope creep: massive overwork due to ingenopath-deepsock idealized perfectionism, conscience presure, info obsessiveness, and ambiguity / satisficing avoidance. Solution: HIIperDoro method.
Plenty more to say, just did a full koan redesign. Feels much better, and I’ve already been doing well. Lesson as always that vdeepsock + drive = need to fully plan out psychological flowchart beforehand. Which turns out is fucking difficult.