A good discussion on the NeanderHall. Here’s my view on the question:
I’ll start by qualifying my “guru” cred. I’d say my main accomplishment is comfort. There’s a LOT to game. I’ll always be a student. I haven’t practiced much except LTR game with my fiancee, because of illness. My notch count is around 16, some of them quite hot, all of them Asian, most overseas. My current fiancee was off daygame cold approach, which accounts for a lot of my notches.
There are two main benefits I possess. First, by reading a lot of game theory from different schools, I intellectually understand social dynamics. Secondly, the koans make me comfortable. There’s very little that can rock me off center any more, even nightmares. Essentially I have to be suffering heavy physical impairment, such as mental fatigue and physical pain, before my meditative center is ineffective.
So barring those two conditions, I’m comfortable with who I am and what I’m doing in the moment, all the time. I don’t have to plan ahead or think about what I’m doing. This solves a vast amount of the problems in Game for introverts. From that base, you can learn a lot by doing, and apply techniques if desired or just go natural. But it’s going to be an inherently easy and enjoyable process, even the parts that suck, like LTR fights or tough confrontations in general.
A lot of the RSD materials and videos are fantastic. They supply an excellent paradigm you won’t find anywhere else. I won’t say it’s the whole truth, but it’s an aspect of truth that’s important to understand.
RSD pricing – scrapetorrent.com and their free video blogs. Yes, the content is revolutionary and available nowhere else in the Manosphere. What they’re charging is reasonable.
RSD approach grinding – I disagree with them here. My koans are the shortcut to this process. I do NOT recommend approach grinding for most introverts, unless you’re a narrowspace smalleyes who can take the punishment.
Approach grinding is a way to stabilize your core by massive social overstimulation until callousness is achieved. Essentially, kill the nerves with pain until they’re all dead. There’s a much better way to do this – koanic stabilization. It does work for at least moderately severe introverts IF you have extreme dedication, as Tyler’s example shows. However, even then he’s dependent on momentum and getting into state via a painful process.
It’s much better to koan stabilize and then filter your approaches for genetic compatibility, and gradually build a fulfilling life that puts you into charismatic “state” most of the time, by carefully selected and nurtured relationships.
Yes, RSD burnout or just never progressing despite massive work does happen for the reasons you described. Keep in mind that the instructor and content diversity in RSD is very high, so generalizations are difficult.
I would say there are some great RSD inner game lessons for anyone, e.g. Tyler’s Blueprint, but it is incomplete and a temporary enlightenment high. Koans + facereading filtering is complete, but for the high octane stuff you’d need RSD to turn on the afterburners.
“4. Is Tyler Durden/Owen a wise old Thal or a sociopath? Do you trust him?”
I would say he has done a tremendous amount of work increasing his sociopathy, but moved away from that mostly now. And had an extremely unstable childhood which increases psychopathy, but is genetically pretty Thal.
Do I trust him? In set, never. As a business partner, yeah probably. As a guru, yes now, but not in the past.
I think the biggest lesson of RSD is exploring the malleability of the social matrix and female sexuality. Lots of hacks.
I agree [redacted]. Roosh can make lots of approaches because he’s narrowspace smalleye. It’s not just a numbers game, there are real skills involved that Roosh does a good job of teaching. But the approaching itself is partially a genetic ability.
I agree that powering past AA is nigh impossible past a certain sensitivity point. I am borderline invincible AA. I have a koan to deal with that, my thumos line. See here.
“Some aspects of game are useful but one really needs to be invented almost from scratch for TTs.” Agree 100%
“All existing social systems, religion, psychology, pop self-improvement, business, sales and management fads, are toxic to thals.” Agree in large part. Missing something, and potentially deadly, yes.
Agree [redacted] re AA causes. Thal issues go way beyond the approach, but perhaps you haven’t spent enough time there to enumerate them.