And be suitably suspicious of doctors bearing pharmaceuticals, in general:
The interesting thing is you can get similar (albeit much less dramatic) effects from eating wheat, sugar, and processed food. That’s why the first step on my powerleveling plan for those I counsel is to clean up the diet by going paleo.
As a dualist, I envision a biological brain with two inputs – biological and spiritual. Your spirit is tethered to your brain and affects it at some quantum-whatever level. This is your “free will”, in the most narrow, limited, “God can definitely judge you for this decision and it’s completely fair by any standard,” sense.
However, this free will effect is quite weak compared to overriding negative biological influences. There is no way to meditate away the effects of a bullet to the head, or of drinking bleach, or of ingesting mind-altering substances. What most people don’t realize is that food itself is a mind-altering substance.
Be sure that what you’re eating and drinking makes your biological brain more receptive to the spiritual exercise of free will, rather than less so. You don’t want to spend your allotted four score and twenty locked in a spongy torture chamber of your own creation.
This topic is a bit of a dead horse, since Illuminatus has recently recanted his Magic Bullet thinking, and acknowledged that level 0-1 is all about basic health, social, and security. But as long as many are suffering, it bears repeating.