Aeoli has a fun new game called “Append the ellipse”. One takes a liberal cliche and then perverts it. Like so:
America is a nation of immigrants and the process of replacement hasn’t stopped.
The Constitution is a Living Document; the government breaks it for a living.
Diversity is Our Strength; white people are weak.
Equal Protection for the more equal.
The One Percent loves democracy because dumb votes are cheap.
Violence never solved anything for the loser.
Violence never solved anything except tax evasion.
Social Darwinism is the opposite of welfare.
Better 10 guilty men go free than one serial murderer continue his spree.
Race is a Social Construct, like dogs, wolves and coyotes.
We are all one race, the ‘human race’, but some are slower than others.
We are all one race, the ‘human race’, including Neanderthals and chimpanzees.
Equality exists in graveyards.
We all bleed red, including rats.
It’s for the children, like abortion.
Blacks can’t be racist, because racism is science.
Black pride is not racist because it’s unscientific.
We Shall Overcome, like soaring lemmings.
Pedophiles think of the children.
It Takes a Village to raise a villager.
The white man is the oppressor who voluntarily surrenders.
Celebrating Culture in the Community is year-round in Africa.
Celebrating pride in the community AIDS disease transmission.
The Dems are the party FOR the people, the Republicans are the party OF the people, and both are BY the elite.
ANY kind of love beats hate, so beat people who hate pedophiles.
Once you go never go back. It’s a dead end.
Love is color blind, but beauty is black and white.
Whites have had everything HANDED to them by their loving parents who built Western civilization.
Every month is WHITE HISTORY month because history belongs to the literate.
America would be nothing without the slave labor to build it; that’s why the South won the Civil War.
Race is just a skin color, and species are skin-deep.
Don’t judge someone based on the color of their skin; judge them by the content of their chromosomes.
An Equal Opportunity Employer takes Affirmative Action to Avoid Whites.
There wouldn’t be any racism if everyone was mixed, like India.
Diversity is like a melting pot with cheese flight.