Jesus was a melonhead. Hmm, who else exhibits tremendous social influence by personal charisma and speaks in constant parable? Perhaps some modern example comes to hand? Why yes: Jimmy Savile.
WLM S01E01 – Jimmy Savile by ourrealworld
Although blasphemous on its surface, the comparison is apt – by perfect inversion of holiness for degenerate predation, we isolate the common thread – the shared mental architecture producing a certain performance and writeprint.
The key shared trait between Jesus and Savile is the socially-shaping parable, the story that resets the listener’s perspective. As the documentary deepens (starting 22:45 and 34:50), watch how often Savile uses this tactic on the literal-minded Theroux. That Savile’s parables are almost always much shorter microfragments (lower IQ) and purely aimed at short term narcissistic objectives does not change this basic similarity.
There’s even a parallel in style of self-reference – Savile calls himself “The Godfather,” Jesus called Himself the “Son of Man”.
Jesus was a strange creature to the narrow-threaded, blockheaded aspie, mystifying and confounding… and frequently prone to utterances of “You idiots.” Bear this in mind when doing your exeJesus. Jesus did not express himself in a linear or longform fashion. He never wrote a book; nor did He need to.
Naturally, Savile’s face is more predatory than Jesus’. Both said “Let the little children come to me,” but with very different meaning.