Vox is still rather proud of his trouncing of Sam Harris on secular humanism and moral relativism. Vox argues that absent God, no absolute moral standard can exist. Sam Harris tries to prove otherwise and generally fails. Probably because, being a liberal, he tries to prove stupid things.
Now I grant that “God’s game, God’s rules.” However, for the non-theist, I really don’t see what the problem is with sociobiological moral relativism. Nor can I find much in the way of morality that ISN’T sociobiologically relative.
For example, amongst matriarchal Barbary Macaques open fights between males are morally wrong, and infant care is the status signal/determinant for both sexes.
Among Hamadryas Baboons, patriarchy and male violent competition are the norm, women are violently mate-guarded, and low-status incel males will attempt to sneakily murder infants.
Among Bonobos, pretty much all conflict resolution is a matter of mutual masturbation or sex.
Among certain spiders, the proper courtship ritual involves the female devouring the male.
If a culture cannot agree on morality, the solution is segregation of the sociomorally diverse into compatible subgroups. Thus the proper refutation of moral relativism is not, “That’s relative,” but “That’s racist.”
Likewise, whether a culture should value the opinions and freedom of women is a sociobiological matter determined by muscular dimorphism and innate male deference / female dominance. This can be settled via intersex MMA cage matches and examination of hunter-gatherer domestic violence patterns.
Any non-religious moral argument divorced from sociobiology ignores that morality IS sociobiology, and is thus incoherent. Thus leftism must either shut up or acknowledge what we have always said – that it is a temporary maladaptive holiness spiral software bug caused by too-rapid immersion in modern conditions.
Leftism reduces to “Muh feelz, your status.” It is not even “OUR feelz”; it just pretends to be via the televitz and/or holiness-selected priesthood.
In truth, it is VOX’s position that is incoherent. For he must claim that monkeys, lacking divine revelation, also lack social morality, which they obviously do not.
The implication is that those whites exhibiting Barbary Macaque / Neanderthal matriarchal biomorality must be segregated from those exhibiting Hamadryas Baboon / Cro Magnon patriarchal morality.