Ink spilled by the ocean, replaceable by the above pic. What is it?
A composite image of most successful males and females in Britain. Exhibiting a classic snake-ish melon face. The female variant is particularly pronounced.
After so much time inventing psycho-anthropometry, I can simply “slip on” the face to emulate the corresponding personality. Do others have this ability, or is it acquired? Do comment.
It is impossible to write a self-help book for a general audience. Whatever is correct for one type, will not even be wrong for another – it will be orthogonal to what they actually need to hear.
The correct method is simply to emulate the above face. A depressingly simple answer, and an indictment of this world, as it is currently organized.
Winter is coming. Not the picturesque winter of blowing worthless scrip – a superstorm whose space-sucking vacuum of imploding zeros will freeze civilization in mid-step. Altruism is not mocked.