I enjoy reading the high-brow anti-Semitic white nationals. The Hitler idolization is an epic misjudgement of character, but let that pass. They’re hard up for modern heroes.
These guys blame Christianity for letting the Jews in. Fine. But then I watch this video, and it becomes painfully clear that Christianity, properly understood, is and always has been anti-Semitic. Which, duh. The only reason there was ever any doubt was the Jew-funded dispensationalist Scofield propaganda Bible. The New Testament and the organic Bible as a whole make absolutely clear that Jews are #1 fucked in God’s eyes. They are the synagogue of Satan, future tools of the anti-Christ. Christianity is the true Israel. Thus the nation of Israel, created by the UN, is Satanic. Which again, duh. They make you renounce Jesus Christ to immigrate.
I have to admit I was deceived into buying the “Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed” line. Sorry. I should’ve read my New Testament harder. I pulled away from the post-Gospel New Testament in adulthood to unfuck my head from its mutated Progressive post-Christian interpretation. I appreciate Pastor Anderson for showing me the proper way to read it and live it. Much respect.
So, white nationalist highbrows: How do you respond to the fact that the Bible is anti-Semitic? If you’re fine with “Africa for Africans, America for whites”, you also shouldn’t mind the Gospel being preached in both places, right? If God didn’t free the slaves or end polygamy, it’s unlikely he’d favor open immigration. Equal in Christ does not mean equal anywhere else, even in church – otherwise women could teach and talk there. In fact, God seems to have no objection whatsoever to the quick, clean, non-miscegenating genocide of heathens. Babylon and Assyria were agents of God’s wrath. So is European anti-Semitic persecution. In short, Hitler was right.
They killed Jesus Christ, crying out, “His blood be on our heads!” The only thing that’s changed in 2000 years is that their lies and slander against him have grown more outrageous. They will bring about world government, global idolatry and apocalypse when God returns to smite them. Their fucking Talmud is vomitous, their star-god is Baal, and their rabbis are Pharaseeism^10. They are worse than Communists, who should be shot on sight for public safety. Every church father agreed – Fuck the Jews.
According to 23andMe, I am 99.4% European, 64.6% Northern European, and 15% Ashkenazi. As I understand it, Ashkhenazi are the Khazars who converted to Judaism for geopolitical reasons in the Middle Ages. I have .3% Middle Eastern DNA. I don’t know what these sub .5% numbers mean; they may be rounding errors. When I switch from speculative to standard view, I am 98.8% European and 1.2% unassigned.
So apparently, 15% of my genetic ancestry joined the synagogue of Satan, and before that they were snake-worshipping melonheads, the ancient ruling class. Jesus Christ crushed the serpent’s head. I renounce the Devil and all his works.
QoTD: Do Christian Khazars count as Jews?