I reached a low functional level, a low 3/5, today. First time in months.
Scallops and rice only did not work. Scallops are too “pungent”, caused digestive upset. Much like eating another superfood such as beef liver in bulk might. I switched to organic chicken as my main protein source, and that worked. Scallops are relegated to a daily suppelement for micronutrients.
Once I get my desk treadmill set up, productivity should improve further.
The dry pack scallops did solve the seafood preservative problem. I never did find any dry pack shrimp, which would not be as “pungent” as the scallops, and therefore suitable as a main protein source.
Theoretically, I should perform better now than I did during my time in China, where I was continuously poisoned by seafood preservatives even if I managed to avoid exposure to everything else. This continuous exposure almost certainly explains the steady increase in chronic fatigue during that period.
Engagement with the traditional medical establishment continues, as well.
It seems I have relevant genetic risk factors from both sides of the family, possibly linked to Thal DNA, including double MTHFR from one side.
It got ugly there, to the point where I couldn’t stand for dizziness, but things are looking up. End report.